


Doofensmirtz Evil Incorperaaated!

At least he's not making a duck face...

Wow, two old men, in a male dominated field, were overtly sexist in a print magazine.

I like seeing his long suffering wife at the launch site.

Plus. Eva sucks.

I'd love a nice clean Basic Red Box reprint.I think the did a hardcover of all the old basic sets together but I'm too lazy to look it. up.

Oh yeah, the movie full of Tom Hanks' corpse being marionetted around.

Can't he just make more Fifth Element?

To make this discovery, the scientists used IceCube, the world’s largest neutrino detector...

right click, paste.

he's sitting, but they are both 5'9" so sort of, yeah

Back before quick time events where telegraphed.....

Don't forget the fact that shafts of intense radiation occasionally just shoot through the cosmos, and that where we in the path, the planet would be sterilized of life before we even registered that it happened.

This is interesting. M, Starbuck, and Prospero I'll give you. The character has been depicted male, but in these versions is female. And it worked. Love Dame Judy as M especially.

I thought he meant Hawkeye Pierce.