
Lol how so? Backwards compatibility was huge. Sony isn’t doing that.

“ nail in the coffin...”

I don’t think Sony realizes the potencial damage this can be for the sales of the PS4 during the holiday season. I bet that Skyrim remastered will be one of the top sellers of this generation (like GTA V, that every month is in the top 10) and Sony just gave a big reason to people buy an Xbox One instead of a PS4.

I don’t get this at all, does Sony really think they are so far ahead that they can piss off a substantial subset of gamers and there won’t be a backlash?

Microsoft, or particularly the Xbox division, has a much more forward thinking management team than it did when UT3 came out. Sony, unfortunately does not. I would like to know if Sony outright said no, or if theres some technical reason that makes it laborious for Bethesda, and thus they’re scapegoating Sony to save

They really shouldn’t have had to, as it was clearly a non-profit, fan-based parody.

Is it, though? Seems more like a functional thing, given that you can pause the game so regions of the galaxy are clearly instanced. And if it’s a server issue, why wouldn’t they just say so?

I’m a level 16. I threw a Pokeball at a CP10 Pidgey. He got out. Threw 2 more. He got out and ran away.

Actually this generation it’s the other way around. Seems like anything Microsoft does is seen as evil and anti consumer but anything Sony does is seen as “FOR THE GAMER!!!” when Sony only cares about money, same as Microsoft.

Finally! I vastly prefer Tomb Raider to Uncharted (don’t tell my team uncharted friends) and was looking forward to this! On my birthday this article shows up as well! Yay birfday funz

Sounds a little late to me. I wish Valve would go back to being an active company instead of being a reactive one. I mean, rake in that Steam money, you deserve it. But then maybe actually do something with it.

Trying to peer around the people in front of you who are thoroughly enjoying themselves?

You should. She’s dangerous. Get a friend to follow you as Mercy and have some fun.

Well... If you are gaming on Windows you probably upgraded to Windows 10 a long time ago because you want the best performance you can get... The sticking to Windows 7 people are mostly just this system generation’s version of the XP is good enough for me and no one can make me change crowd.

Wow, it’s still pretty lame reasoning. If Zelda could fight (cough Shiek) what would Link do? How he try his hand ruling a kingdom? Hell, he could be the villain of the next game, and you as Zelda have to team up with Ganon to restore the balance in the Tri-Force? And I’m an idiot and I just pulled this out of my butt.

None of us want to be here. GIVE US MORE ZELDA!

Is this always a part of E3, or do they do their own side events regularly?

demo is so long kotaku had time to watch it and write an article about it. In fact, they haven enough time to write many articles as this painful demo continues.

What? It doesn’t look anything like that. His Parker Industries look is just the regular spider-man costume with a slightly glowing spider symbol.

WTF is up with the super cartoony art design for the kid, and the hype realistic textures on everything else?