The only way I would have been I interested to see Kratos return would be if you were playing as a new hero and he were the villain. This seems like a “eh, weve gotta continue this franchise somehow” move.
The only way I would have been I interested to see Kratos return would be if you were playing as a new hero and he were the villain. This seems like a “eh, weve gotta continue this franchise somehow” move.
I was really hoping Kratos’ saga was over. They could have created a new character to challenge the Norse Gods.
That’s pretty low on my list of things to pretend to be outraged about.
I think it looks fun and find the people mocking the chatter as morons. That is what most game chat sounds like between friends. Generic as fuck and lost on what is going on.
Dude, you’re arguing semantics. Till this point they said they’ll have a full day of Zelda, and Zelda will be the only playable game from Nintendo at E3.
This is a very dumb argument, so I’ll leave it at this: Nintendo announced plans in May. Nintendo has since amended that announcement. There will be other games at the show. Good times.
Anyone else getting kinda worried about this game? I feel like it might fall quite short of the hype around it.
Nintendo has been making decision after decision that just shows how little they care for consumers and have shifted from long term sustainability more and more into making as much short term money as possible without thinking of how it might perterb or piss off their fans. i.e. amiibo, releasing systems still for…
This is pretty shitty if you ask me. They have an opportunity to show off what they have for not just the NX but the WiiU and 3DS. Instead they are going to show off 1 game. Congrats Nintendo. Let’s continue the trend of low expectations.
Hey, I mean, yeah. That’s the kind of attitude the gaming scene needs these days.
“Compulsory redundancies”...
Nintendo is the clueless grandma of the internet.
Here’s the question, though, and I only ask this because it makes for a good discussion point (I don’t feel strongly one way or another): would you have even noticed if not for this article?
Seems like you’re overreacting. Remedy is trying something new, and this is a solution to a problem they encountered. Why’re you turning it into a completely separate DRM issue?
Or it can still be a fun strategy game with a great story and characters worth experiencing.
well, a bunch of people just want to have fun while playing and I guess that “feeling bad” isn’t fun
Or you can play the game and unlock the characters for free.
Yeah, I have no idea how someone could watch this and think, “this is terrible” no matter how much they hate Microsoft, football, 3D or life.
There isn’t a demographic for hololens. That’s kinda the point. If you can afford it you’ll find something you like.