
Same, there's going to be a ton of reviews out tomorrow with most of the embargoes ending then (the console is the day after followed by Forza and Ryse on the Weds and Thurs)

I agree, it seems like they worked the opposite way to Ubisoft on AC4 who got the game working on the next gen consoles and then struggled to optimise for the current gen consoles.

I think the inclusion of the rumble triggers in any future CoD games could sway things back further to the Xbox side.

Actually I'd consider losing a small amount of frames in a multiplayer game like CoD to be a bigger deal breaker than a bad frame rate in a Dead Rising game.

It sounds that way, I can't speak for the PS4 but the guy who leaked the info about the Xbox One talked about how the 39gb COD: Ghosts installation reached 50% in around 15 minutes. The fact it does this in the background and let's you carry on with whatever you want to do was the icing on the cake.

I too much prefer the external options, that way I can not worry about it day one and just look into it when the hard drive gets too full.

It's published by Microsoft so it would likely cost them more to be able to publish it to the PS4 then it would actually sell, and if it ever happened it would likely be after such a delay that nobody will even pay attention.

I agree completely but I fully intend to buy both consoles at some point as most people did last gen, I was waiting with both pre-ordered until Gamescom when we all expected Sony to talk about some big future games but that never really happened so I decided to hold off on it for now.

I looked at it in a similar way, back when the PS4 still had Driveclub and there was all the misunderstanding over Ryse and Dead Rising I just chose the console that most appealed to me for the multiplatform releases.

I'll try to go through this bit by bit.

I've never heard anyone complain about the 360 pad being too big, the only complaint I tend to hear often is due to the dpad which is improved on the new console.

I'd say it's quite a strong release for a console launch, it's pretty disappointing in terms of exclusives when compared to the Xbox One but there are more than enough great multiplatform games to satisfy people.

Well to be fair to Microsoft they are planning to give these guys early access and are flying the first guy who managed to get it patched out to the Xbox One launch event, I have a feeling he'll be coming back from that with every exclusive title available at launch and whatever other swag they can throw at the guy.

In my opinion it's always better to be on the safe side, there could be any number of bugs that they're ironing out or have patches ready to remove.

The only word I remember seeing about the size is that they designed it to be able to run non-stop for 10 years, no idea if that would ever work but it sounds like things will be perfect for any normal gamer.

Well the Xbox One now powers up faster than my TV can even switch channels, going from the 360 and PS3 boot/menu times to that is going to be a refreshing relief.

Of the first two people known to receive the console early one person put it up on Ebay at an inflated price and the other began leaking screens of the unfinished marketplace listings.

Exclusivity is common sense, you either have the company who makes the console make exclusive games for the system or you have them make no games at all.

I'm a huge fan of Polygon lately, the Xbox One previews have discussions between Xbox fans whilst the PS4 or PC articles have their own fans there. Even those that do crossover only do so to talk about general excitement, there's none of the 'Your choice is different to mine so it must be wrong' attitude that you

For me Sony's strategy failed, I waited until Gamescom for the 'big AAA announcements' and nothing came.