
That is one unimpressed sheep.

The characters in GTA she refers to were supposed to be stereotypical, drug abusing, fame hungry child stars who think the Sun shine out of their own arse. There are no redeeming features in any of them whatsoever and were only designed to be an archtype.

Gives me an opportunity to post this:

Seemed relevant.

I think it's simply that the abstracted jumble of spinning cameras, American flags and CGI noise create a Pollock-esque canvas of nonsense, leaving each audience participant to try and surmise for themselves what they are witnessing on screen.

Literally nothing in that sentence is true.

I'm confused. Some reviews are saying that "it's nothing but 3 hours of loud machines fighting" while other reviews are saying that these sequences comprise very little of the film. Clearly this film is actually Bay's way of secretly testing temporal relativity fluxes or something, because the reviewer's perception of

Still not as much force as your mom generates sitting on the couch.

Hold on to your butts.

Most powerful? Maybe not. One of the coolest? Oh, yeah!

I don't think the Heat will have to worry about Wade. He hasn't been able to exercise in years.

I mean, he's LeBron's agent. Of course he's going to be rich.

Oh my god! It's Generic Saiyan Amalgamation!!! He's my FAVE!!!

Considering the cops would have never caught the guy or even bothered to send a car out to chase the truck. Yeah i would say they did the right thing, and considering its Texas, the thieves were lucky to not get shot when the truck got stopped.

They're going to end up building this

Fixed it for you:

Here is what a 2 litre bottle looks like before they blow them up to 2L. Most people have never seen one of these. 600ML bottles are the same thing but shorter.

Braun: [Receives shot in the ass]