
I always wanted to have my DL picture taken when I was really stoned so if I got pulled over I would look normal.

So if I went to get my picture taken with a full beard and a full head of hair and then immediately after the picture was taken went home and shaved my head and beard I would be in violation of this policy?

There were also Ferraris reported to be on fire, but arson was not the cause.

Want it. Need it.

Great result, shit performance. We were lucky that Ghana were awful for the most part. Up until the final 10 minutes the game was second only to Iran Nigeria for lack of quality.

One Cameo to Rule Them All...

Now playing

"Life is like a hurricane here in Duckburg"


Gasoline bro?

a tape player

I need oven mitts to handle this take

Remember when Square Enix made large bosses for its final fantasy games. Pepperidge Farm remembers

is it just me who finds it slightly funny that they are called ISIS? all i can think of are egyptian godesses and ofcourse.. Archer

[same conversation from this morning and 11 months ago]

I hear what you're saying, but that's the same attitude that's allowed institutional discrimination on the part of the justice department throughout history. A ticket waved because you dressed nicely? That sounds like a great advertisement for the judicial system. I suppose people who can't afford to dress as nicely,

Let's talk shop for second.

I figure most likely scenario is getting road head and as you climax involuntarily hit the key fob with your knee and crash into the jersey barrier at 85 with your coworkers head in your lap... your wife will not be happy if present at your funeral, but what did she expect when you bought a mid-life crisis Camaro ?