The Lasher was beautiful to behold, as almost everything Vanu.
The Lasher was beautiful to behold, as almost everything Vanu.
Well, here's to hoping that out of all the people that will rush the game at launch, enough of them stick with it to keep the fighting intense for a few years =)
I captured this clip years ago shortly after Battle Frames were introduced to Planetside. I was acting as a tank gunner for the outfit Druckwelle on the server Werner and we were trying to hold an outpost from advancing NC forces.
"You go man. Do what you gotta do."
Cool reverse trolling bro.
The abbreviated version
I love this article. All of it.
Sam and Lenny go way back, and if I recall correctly there was this incident involving a chicken and Bluetooth... :|
How much infinite money are we talking about exactly?
I hope so. The rage of self-proclaimed "supporters" is ironically lulzworthy.
This was done before. Loved the movie.
Not when I shift into... MAXIMUM OVERTROLL!
Like the TSA? O:
But only as long as you can run faster than they can...