
Some Christian communities were briefly put into a state of heightened alert, lead to believe the apocalypse may have started early, as large groups of strangers suddenly started converging on their neighborhoods...

It's probably because over the course of a bit more than a decade, every time that Apple was on the verge of launching something new, they're were those who called it a guaranteed DOA and those declaring it the obvious winner before the race had even started.

shufflemoomin turned away from God not because he stopped believing in him, but because he thought he was too clingy.

It's never too late to sign up for Amazon Prime. I think they're even doing a promotion right now that if you sign up and place your order before the internet collapses, they guarantee delivery before the world ends. OR YOUR MONEY BACK!

I'm less interested in how they will change my life and more interested how I can use them to end other people's lives :D

Easy fix: Introduce a new ESRB rating "Rated O, for orphans".

Ok, I'll bite. And my wild guesses are:

You're not a man! You're a monster!

Is there any chance I could pokerface my way out of this corner? Like, would you fall for the bluff that I was going for some kind of complex double-irony because I was anticipating your comment and end up walking away from this with my coolface on? Like a cool guy walking away from an explosion? Any chance? Please?

iPod Touches would be the better choice if you just want to replace those small acrylic wedges that display next to no significant info at all, you'd replace glorified pricetags with even more glorified pricetags, which would be kind of silly and not up to Apple standards.

I think a more appropriate headline would've been "Clueless Employees Don't Know What To Do With An iPad", and it would still probably have been misleading.

I've worked with Celebrites quite a bit and they can't read any device that is locked with a PIN, Gesture or whatever and there isn't any "top secret government backdoor" to circumvent that either. So if you actually worry about these things, just lock your device/SIM card and you're golden (and also, paranoid).

Not sure if troll or just oblivious :/

Can't wait for the outrage when people figured out she just taped some markers to her Roomba.

At least in my area there are still (small) groups of people lining up in the morning in front of the Apple Store hoping that new stock has arrived, and when it has, it rarely lasts beyond those initially waiting few. Could differ from where you're at of course O:

I still miss Tex Murphy the most :(

Your statement is just vague enough to allow for a number of different interpretations. I'm trying to avoid picturing most of them.

First of all, I have just now decided to declare today to be my personal "foot-in-mouth"-day, with this being probably the third instance in less than 24 of me mistaking the meaning of either a news post or a comment for no good reason whatsoever.

I can actually think of a few people that I could sell this to for its' added security benefits.

"So my car really isn't on fire?"