
@WolfmanWalt: Super Mario Galaxy of Starcraft ? :D

@OkayOctane: A lot of people play with penises, whether we're talking about their own or those of other people. The term can be considered to fall within the realm of gaming.

@-MasterDex-: I don't think that the step towards dynamic contrast tech was a bad one, it's just that seeing companies trying to sell it to us like the actually achievable simultaneous black-to-white contrast ratio is deceptive to say the least.

And even without checking I'm gonna guess that that's a "dynamic contrast ratio" which is IMO the snake oil that replaced "HD ready" after that went out of style.


@WildKB: You iz an ork. Iz you fightin'? Can you make it more choppy?

@SoupNBread: Right on, I can't wait for Starcraft II to revitalize the LAN scene! :D

@mikomi: While they're supplying the ball, you still need to supply a suitable hill.

Oh~kay... so can Volition start working on Freespace 3 now? X(

If you'd set up an ArmA (2) / OFP demo kiosk in front of every recruitment office in the US, Uncle Sam would run into some serious shortages :P

Wait a second... I thought their last name was "Winchester"...? And wasn't there something about how they hunt ghosts while searching for their father...?

But I always thought that sharing child pornography was illegal because it would support the child pornography industry?

To me this quote is somewhat the corporate counterpart to Reggie's reaction when Geoff told him that hardcore gamers were greatly disappointed with most of Nintendo's E3 press conference. Before Geoff had even finished his sentence, Reggie said, visibly surprised:

Wait, is this the same erotic industry that puts out chikan-style rape movies by the dozens each month?

I would like to share something here, whether or not you believe me is not key to what I'm about to say, but I'd really appreciate any reaction whatsoever.

I love this pic.

When I hear people complaining about the controls, complaints which I am sure are justified in a 'casual-gamer' sort of way, I can't help but feel reminded of the likes of PN03 or GunValkyrie. Maybe even throw some Ikaruga in for good measure.

Wasn't 'being Eidos' what brought Eidos into so much trouble in the first place?