
Nice boat...

Nice to see 'insultingly condescending HUD display' making the jump from HAWX to other games as well.


What are you doing SecuROM?

In b4 Sonichu

I imagine that this is the result of the Phantom guys bumping into the Gizmondo guys at GDC and somehow ending up with the vaporware equivalent of "mantrain".

I was more than happy with Advent Children, still one of my favorite, if not THE favorite, video games movie for me.

@Sensai: Do I get bonus points for being excited over an eternal september referrence?

I can barely play Fable 2 on my brand new Jasper 360, it lets me play for maybe 5 to 10 minutes tops before completely freezing up; no Xbox guide, no holding the guide button, nothing.

Guys, help me decide, if you could invent only ONE of the following two words and would have to discard the other one forever, which one would you take?

Prove me wrong.

Am I the only one really disappointed in the new intro?

This guy is right up there with Derek Smart and the creator of Sonichu and Rosechu :D

The dude is in awesome shape, you try dancing 24 hours straight DDR.

The Prince formerly known as the Prince of Persia?

Looks fun, but the Studio logo had me thinking this was a video on X-Play at first :o

I second anybody saying this is "Super Mario Brothers all over again"...