
I'll just comfort myself by thinking about how we get 5 fingers for the price of 4.

I DO feel inclined to comment but seeing as it's a monday and I remain uncertain on the strictness of the b&hammer, I'll just say that mingling with all you moisture farmers is not on my agenda for today. >:D

Remember kids: Every time you mention Deus Ex on the internet, somebody somewhere has to re-install it.

I really want to like this remake, especially since Pixel should finally earn some off of Cave Story, but since they also re-did the music I can't get myself to dig the Wiiware release at all.

I hated Gamecock ever since they refused to talk to me at Games Convention because I wasn't an important industry type or wearing a snappy suit.

Seeing Jamzy is like being Rickroll'd but enjoying it and listening to the song until the end :)


The only remaining option, which is going once, going twice, going fast, would be for Jack to somehow flee INTO the gaming industry, ironically the last place where his name is of some (marketing) value.

When's the GOTY version coming out?

Please be TFLO or a multiplattform release.

Will buy for NPH alone.

@Josh2020: I cant believe he actually said 'We call this orchestrating your ballet of death' seriously.

@LanciePants: I'm getting the obvious sarcasm, but ironically you're condemning your own right to speak freely while you're making use of it.

Art is a strange game.

@Bedlam: who knows whom the company of the Kölner Messe (Cologne) bribed with presents etc to get the BIU vote for Cologne