
As far as I know MetaNet spent between 300 and 400K developing N+.

I would steal a unicorn and cruise around town if given the option.

Gaia userbase.

No arguments over worst presser either.

I live in Germany and A&W can only be found at very, very few special retailers, usually in large train-stations or possibly airports.

Hey Mr. Anderson, RE:Degeneration called and basically just laughed into the phone really loud.

Well, after EA did such a superb job of vacating the throne of the most loathsome videogame related company, I guess somebody just had to step up to fill the gap.

@r1nce: I have a friend who graduated from a Game Design Class and is now working as a Graphics Tightener for level 3.

"You had me at Gearbox..."

I agree wholeheartedly and also would like to express my interest in more Cliffster-related presentations. They're usually much bigger, better and more badass than the rest.

@Suzaku: Probably lost a bet.

I'm gonna act like an original oldfag here, but when Halo was still an exclusive Macintosh title, it was envisioned and planned as a sort of MMO from the get-go.

For anyone that watched the trailer and didn't like it, make sure to visit GameTrailers and watch it in HD, it really benefits greatly from the increased visual quality.

@pewpewlazer: "I'd watch it for the source material but I think on the big screen the metal gear craziness would be awkward like in Advent Children."

B^U was never good.

I'd buy this game if only to support Volition in hope of a FreeSpace 3 (or at least a spiritual successor to it).

In the currently happening European Soccer Championship it has been seen that so far EVERY team wearing red has lost every match during which they wore the color.