
Boeing big wig: If we get caught, this won’t hurt my bonus right?

Quality assurance and business ethics? What is that?

Yeah, you’ve really got to build yourself a cult like base of followers, and have inherited a slave run emerald mine to make it work.

Since I am in that age bracket I will answer for all my peers. /s

They use literal slaves for every fucking thing they build. I guess you dont own any TV’s in your house. Do you have Plex? What do youi watch it off of because if it is Amazon fire stick, apple tv, chromecast, Roku? Is your media server have a seagate or western digital HDD? Is your NAS synology, or netgear, or Nvidia?

The older I get, the more I understand WHY Skynet wanted to eradicate humans.

The google says decepzione is Italian for deception, like a sleeper. But it also says decepzione is Corsican for disappointment, like a Chrysler.

I don’t disagree with that at all. What’s annoying is that any time Chinese cars are brought up, there’s a lot of tightly-wound hand-wringers who act like someone in the US buying a Seagull would bring about WW3.

The most common way I’ve seen for lay offs is the issuing of a new org chart.

Please remember to tip and give your trafficker a 5 star rating if you were pleased with your experience.

He says he’s a doctor but I don’t see any markings, white coat or stethoscope so I think it’s only fair for someone to pull a gun on him, force him to the ground, make him show his medical board credentials and his med school degree for good measure because everyone knows what’s going on in the US with people

There will be some numptys commenting who will act like prohibiting the importation of Chinese EVs is being done for data protection or whatever (like it even matters any more), but it is 100% being done purely because the big 3 are scared absolutely to death. It’s the same exact rhetoric that was used back in the

The car payments cut into her cosmetic surgery budget.

I get flamed by the Telsa fans, but I think something like Blue Cruise or Supercruise or whatever is better because drivers know what Cruise control can and cannot do and are used to it. This is just enhanced cruise control.

The Car of L’il Sebastian lovers everywhere

Four doors have always been able to be coupes, just like sedans can be two doors. Because “coupe” does not refer to the number of doors, but to the lower roofline.

Between the pitiful breakover angle and those slicks, I don’t think this thing is digging through any ditches. And, while, you probably could burn through the witches, I think they prefer to be called wicca, and speeding through your local maker’s market really isn’t cool man.

Porsche Panamericana. It gives me Stratos vibes.

Is an always will be the Alfa/Bertone Carabo: