
Truly, my finest work.

Because she’s an attentionwhore and we, as a species, shouldn’t just platform everybody. It draws out all the narcisists.

They knew exactly what they were doing. The family has pending litigation against the city for one relative being killed by police. Then another relative is killed by a police officer and all of a sudden no one can in touch with the family. They supposedly called once, but didn’t follow up at all after that. You have

Sanctum Santorum

It’s spelled “Cait Sith” but it’s pronounced “Throatwarbler Mangrove”

“...record your own sound.” Ahh yes, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING, could go wrong here.

Oh God this person sounds like an HOA board member.

This makes me mad enough to fuck a pigeon.

A spokesperson for the company directed Kotaku to that tweet when asked to elaborate on the situation.

In the 80's a white horse snake would dominate.

The cop must have feared for his life, the toddler may have been packing. 

Who needs FakeTaxi when you have RealCop for your backseat porn needs... 

Since it is listed on Cars & Bids:

I’m not a fan of this Harold & Maude 2 idea.

People won’t buy things till they are cheaper and more convenient to use. There, just wrote every electric vehicle adoption article for the next few years.

Tesla Shanghai has reportedly sued a Chinese firm over tech secret infringement

On totally unrelated news... I’m suddenly going to look like Hugh Jackman

If only the good people, son and wife, were armed there would have been a totally different outcome.  All 3 would be dead.  But, of course, it’s not the guns.  

Come on Elon, just flat price all models at $69,420. You know you want to. Do it!

Taylor Swift is an anti-hero like Donald Trump is a brilliant captain of industry.