
It’s his own fault. If he lived in the US, he wouldn’t have had health insurance so he couldn’t have had surgery. Problem solved.

Completely unrelated, there are llamas on Dr. Pepper cans now. Care to comment?

That's no way to talk about our president. 

I see your Standard Atlas and raise you a Major.

What you really want is the later version, the Leyland 20, it had a TR4 engine in it!

Mind you, for peak Brit van, you want a Bedford CA. Sliding doors, baby!

I’ve got this ugly feeling in my gut, that Lindsey Graham’s vociferous defense of an accused sexual predator has to do with some young men in his closet and nothing to do with his sexual preferences. I mean, how else do you explain how he ended up so vocal about this one subject?

He’s my favorite lesbian in the Senate.

Can someone please explain to me how the extremely numerous religious “homosexuality is a sin!” conservative voters of SC are apparently completely oblivious to the fact that Lindsay Graham is very gay?

Pretty Sure That’s a Dodge Dart, Dude

Pole position has a completely different meaning over at Jezebel. I think it’s time auto racing should switch the phrase to something else before someone gets recreationally offended and demands social justice.

Found the uncropped image. Looks like you’re on to something there, Jason.

Is that a crack in the dome, Verne?

Alastair waved his hand at the bright band of the horizon, a horizon so much closer than the sweeping plains of his native Minnesota, but farther than the artificially truncated line of Collinville Dome. Mars’ light gravity permitted domes kilometers across, anchored by thousands of tons of soil directly atop the

I was thinking more along the lines of...

That’s not cab-forward. This is cab-forward.

Mustang is the last car standing.

The simple solution is to turn the Mustang in to a family of vehicles.

Potential Pedophile Pinched by Pretend Poontang - Perp Prepared for Poor Performance with Pecker Pep Pill

Now playing

Magnus effect generators are fucking cool.

Nothing like getting your power from a giant space wiener.

But, but it comes with AWD so you will have better control and stability especially in inclement weather so you won’t end up crashing in the first place!