
Your improper usage of grammar & punctuation confuses me immensely.

Everything you just described happened at the Saturn dealer in the early 90s except the wifi of course. GM knows how to do this.

Pace notes be like

Lucky dog... But a cat would have come in between front tires, manage to get inside the cab and exit through passenger side window... All while keeping all of its 9 lives

And you think you had a ruff day.

I see your turbo boost and raise you Super Pursuit Mode.

Now playing

actually it’s an expression from the era of steam engine’s, I’ll let Jay take it from here

The problem is that it doesn't have a big enough black plastic grill up front. I won't be happy until 90% of the front end is giant black plastic grill.

Lol, we’re terrible people.

Well, when she was getting ready to turn 40, I was going to trade her in for two twenty year olds. But then she had a bad car accident. Trade in value went down to a cheap bottle of Rye and a 25 year old crack whore. I kept her and try to keep the mileage down. :-)

4th Gear: Pebble Beach

Brown people are so scary because they aren’t white!

You definitely need a reputable mechanic.

When I worked at VW (2012-2014), parties like this were the norm. Always outrageous, always over the top, and always tens of thousands of dollars. And all this while my teammates were being laid off left and right. It never felt right. Now I work for an IT firm. Our last team-building activity was serving food at a

Party hearty, Audi!

Don’t you just hate when bridges jump out at you?

Actually if you zoom in the man flat on his back had marshmallows, enough for everyone, he was helping them make s’mores.

It was a 99 Toyota Yaris. He was lucky it had a windshield.

Some people aren’t so nice.

I remember the good ol’ days when if you crashed you just blamed Pastor Maldonado. Now things are so complicated...