Blue Haze

“Pedophile” doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means. (I’m assuming that’s the word that you were attempting to spell.)

I, too, think it to be unseemly and in poor taste to celebrate someone’s death.

Hey Kid -

I was very glad to pull your comment out of the greys; I was going to say the same thing.

It’s too bad that Nora Ephron is no longer around to direct. This cynically-designed-to-be-a-tearjerker type of story just screams for her unparalleled skill with the banal, the formulaic, the obvious.

I think she looks familiar because she’s got that “70's look” that seemingly was ubiquitous back then - very similar to Susan Anton / Susan George / Susan Anspach. (So many similar blonde Susans back then - I wonder if this lady’s name is Susan too?!)

Oh YES. Who is that? He’s Hot-n-Sexxy. It’s despite the unibrow though, not because of it.

I don’t know...but the photo and discussion of Ingrid Bergman in this thread made me think of her and her daughter Isabella Rosellini...those two are also damn near look-alikes too. And not only looks, but voice and demeanor. Definitely, they give Goldie and Kate a run for their money.

I’ve lived both above and below the Mason-Dixon, and can personally verify that the chocolate “glaze” is in fact the selfsame thing in all locations and it is exactly what you are thinking of. It is actually nowhere near a “glaze”. I think “chocolate enamel” is a much more accurate description. The company itself

Yes, and Housewives aren’t publishing written material about each other, so wouldn’t it be *slander* at any rate? Not libel? I mean, come on Page Six.

I’ve been saying since forever that Teresa needs the full treatment that they gave Margarita Cansino to turn her into Rita Hayworth. At least as far as the electrolysis on the hairline. Of course, Margarita was a great beauty who just needed a little polishing, and Teresa is...not. But it’s got to at least help.

Wait. You are in the greys here? That’s criminal.

Well, both were 1967, so.

Shoe Polish Shag Mullet, more like. Cripes, Dude. Go a few shades won’t look quite so blatantly artificial.

You would win that bet. Doris Day’s image was quite manufactured, too. I see someone else already responded with Oscar Levant’s famous quip (“I knew Doris Day before she was a virgin”) which speaks to that.

“...AND...they...wERe...deVOURing him...!!”

Yes, exactly.

Yep. I would get livid whenever I’d hear how Ryan White was an “innocent victim” of AIDS.

Ugh, that’s what got me too. As if one can only be deserving of compassion if they died of an “acceptable” disease. Died of an addiction, depression, suicide? Oh well, they did it to themselves. Fuck ‘em.

How are divorced men considered “bachelors” again? My guess is because “bachelor” just means “single man” with no regard for history. I suppose women are saddled with “divorcée” because they are viewed as “used” or “damaged goods” (i.e. no longer virgins) after having been married, whereas with men it doesn’t matter.