Yep, also people need to call Miley out about this recent #alllivesmatter mess:
Yep, also people need to call Miley out about this recent #alllivesmatter mess:
The thing I love about this most is that SLJ is actually drawing a parallel between a movement that was based on eradicating a physical disease to creating a movement that is based on eradicating an ideological disease. Peoples reactions to this will be very telling about how they compartmentalize those two diseases…
If someone is in the car with a cell phone, you can ask them to lock, unlock, pop the trunk, pop the hood, turn on/off the headlights, honk the horn. It works because the frequencies of your voice are transmitted.
Katie—no other tweets/text in both Firefox and Chrome.
Ditto here..."Here are some of them!" followed by a big 'ol blank page.
I can't seem to see the tweets this article seems to want to be presenting...
Remember when Gawker used to do Blind Items and someone would invariably say, "all of them?" Can it be "all of them?"
I think the best advice is that if someone picks up you up, kisses you or whips out his penis without your consent, call the police. If someone is touching you repeatedly — even if it's light "non-creepy" creepy touches, call a bouncer or a waitstaff over and ask to have them removed.
In response to the early Exodus, American Airlines Arena has been renamed "The Kitchen."
Forget leaving when there's still a chance. It's almost worse to leave when you believe this might be the very end of your team's season. Of the top 10 most emotional and satisfying sporting events I've ever attended, probably 3 or 4 of them are bittersweet season enders, when fans applaud the players for a…