
I’m a human being who has worked retail, any moment you’re there you’re some level of annoyed and especially so when some self-important dickhead shows up to fuck up whatever you were in the middle of.

If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest

Ewww. Slurp harder, the guy is a trash human being who thinks the rules don’t apply to him because he’s rich. What a disgusting post.

Every single person he annoyed had something better to do than help him make more money.  Fuck this guy.

A good store manager would trespass this clown instead of allowing him to harass their employees.

I don’t get the casting. Is this supposed to be like 30 years after BL2? Also, Jack Black’s great, but why not use the same voice actor for Claptrap, as it’s entirely a VO gig?

That data isn’t available yet. The ship will be reviewed for its first year of operation, which doesn’t start for another four days. 

The real question is when are we getting a Pooh vs. Steamboat Willie movie along the lines of Freddy vs. Jason and Alien vs. Predator?

Batman’s BatNipple armor will be off limits for decades yet.

OG Superman is pretty great, though. One of the few things the New52 reboot did right was bringing back working class Superman who fought for immigrant and labor rights.

I’m looking forward to that Superman getting a lot of traction in the public imagination.

I love that someone is using one of the slime sprayers from GB2 in the background of that Ghostbusters: FE shot.

Castlevania is not a Capcom franchise.

I wouldn’t want a Tesla if they were free. Every new Tesla that sells is more food for Mr Muskrat’s ego. There are plenty of other good EVs around.

There are a lot of people who go from a 3 series (or a Merc C class) to a Model 3. Not because they consider the Model 3 to be as refined as those cars, but because they value what they see as the Tesla’s strong points (effortless acceleration giggle factor; sci-fi Star Trek shuttle craft vibe; EVs being the future)

Are we really still pretending that the Model 3 is a legitimate competitor for the 3 series? The build quality isn’t even close to the same standard, the interior is worse than all but the cheapest of economy cars, and it’s somehow even less reliable. Maybe a few years ago you could argue about Tesla having the

Recommending a 80K mile ex-rental as a responsible purchase has to be one of the stupidest hot takes I’ve seen here in years.

Ugh, Twitter. He posted them on Threads, you should link those instead.

A late model car is not an investment vehicle, its value doesn’t go up and down and up and down.

About time Urkle joined the MCU!!!