
I guess you must not be a B-tier actor because that’s a fucking shitty opinion right there, wanker.

I don’t see how it’s controversial to say that there are tragic civilian casualties on both sides of this conflict while acknowledging that neither Hamas nor Israel’s extremist, totalitarian government are the good guys.

Can’t tell if serious, a troll, or a total idiot. But “the latest data” showing that most of the carbon is coming from decomposing plant and tree material- that’s just fucking stupid. Plant and tree material has ALWAYS been decomposing. Its the extra carbon we’ve been releasing into the atmosphere over the past 100+

I’m sorry you think it’s “wone” to write that the planet cannot absorb billions more tons of CO2.

Ed should be more concerned that he’s aging three times faster than Dani.

Fine with limiting maximum speeds, don’t need to go 100+mph on public roads, not big on random limitations which can be subject to random variables. I’m usually the person everyone passes, even as a prudent driver I just don’t see this going well. If autonomous driving was sorted out and working well I may have some

sounds like it would help to me.  You clearly just want to speed

You're overly pedantic. If it doesnt require manual shifting and a clutch pedal, it's an automatic. Doesn't matter if it has a torque converter, dual clutch, or CVT.

Come to Chicago next!

“Don’t light things on fire and throw them in the back of the truck”

Will this one get overrun by bears too? Here’s hoping.

Why..? You already pay for PS+, which means you’re already paying for the monthly games. Might as well claim them.

season three’s similarly frustrating arc for its heroes

Invalidate his driver’s license for life. That guy is clearly a dangerous, selfish motherfucker.

2nd universe over, just past the Twilight Sector

He even claims that it was “too much confidence for too little skill.” That reads to me like he thinks there’s a level of skill where lanesplitting and weaving through traffic at 100+ miles per hour could ever be done safely.

Unrelated to my other comment: Fuck this buggy ass site and all of GMG in general. Some of the ads are so broken that they freeze the page entirely or cause flashing and stuttering problems that look potentially seizure inducing for photosensitive individuals.

Honestly, just... Why bother doing this at all? Like any of it? It HAS to be way more expensive to making, storing, and shipping 3 different SKUs when the total price compared to the base model is either a measly $50 cheaper or $30 more, depending on if you get just the digital one or the digital one and get the drive

There’s a horse in the hospital!

I remain baffled that dental care is separate from health care/medical coverage in the United States. While our medical insurance setup isn’t great, at least it covers most things. Dental insurance in the US is a fucking joke. It pays for nothing, more or less, except 1-2 cleanings a year. If you’ve got anything else