
Of course I want the slackers called out and demoted, but that should be done at any time when they get to be a problem. And I’ve been on many teams where everyone is doing a great job (or at least a decent job) and nobody deserves the fake ‘this person sucks at their job’ rating. This is cannibal lizards hiding in

The devil never has a shortage of advocates, I assure you.

I regret to inform you that you’ve been ranked as one of the bottom 5% of devil’s advocates. Expect a demotion on your next report, and termination if you can’t start making less lazy arguments.

My dad worked on a system like this at Boeing in the early 90s. It’s not just 5% of all employees, it’s 5% of any given team who get the mark of death. It means if you perform really well & get on an elite team & are the weakest in a team of the 10 best programmers in the company, your career is over. It makes people

How does a dealer refuse to let you buy your lease? That's something they are obligated to do. I would think a quick call to corporate would solve that problem. 

Where would people get this idea???

Not buying a house if you can”

Mystery Inc completely shits on this argument but all right.

“The cartoon is at 52% on RottenTomatoes, with an audience rating of 6.2 of 10"

*leans in real close*

Kick rocks with this stupid “gaslighting” BS. They say it in the clip itself. It can be and is about both climate change and personal health. That’s the case any time you’re carbon/fossil fuel. Even moreso when you’re burning that carbon in your home. 

it’s not like they take up 50 percent of the market.

I guarantee the movie cost a shitload more than that to make in the first place.

played in the UAE and Russia

And on top of that, she blew up her cash cow opportunity with “woke” Disney so she could stay true to her convictions and make anti-woke movies for Daily Wire studios. BUT Daily Wire fans see her as a strong feminist lead so they review bomb the movie and compare it to “woke Disney feminism”. HAHAHA the delicious

I still disagree with you on new cars, and I’m offering this based on my professional assessment as someone who has been doing this for 15+ years. I sit in on discussions about such things at an automaker. As I’m sure you are aware, automakers generally offer discounts and incentives on their vehicles. I’m not talking

i know she’s a Bad Person, but we don’t talk enough about how, almost more importantly, she’s a Bad Actress. i’m so fucking glad i don’t have to see her in star wars anymore.

The delicious irony that even after getting in bed with right wing detritus, her new audience still thinks her too “woke” for their blood

Most importantly, who the fuck cares? Is this a tabloid???? Embarrassing.

Whew, that’s the homeless problem solved then! Idiots.