There is no amount of savings worth battling a crowded store during a pandemic for.
There is no amount of savings worth battling a crowded store during a pandemic for.
Yeah, that’s not even remotely realistic. You could basically build about 180+ brand new Londons for that price.
I remember how in World War Z (good book, absurdly mediocre movie), NK simply went silent during the zombie apocalypse, and ten years after the war nobody dared to enter the country, or find out what’s going on inside.
“You enjoying things is the reason I no longer enjoy the thing!” Lol.
Sometimes I feel North Korea is too glibly laughed at or dismissed as a silly little tinpot country; one not to be taken _too_ seriously, while we chortle at reports of Dear Leader scoring 18 holes-in-one in golf. I’d put some of the blame here on Team America too. Articles like this remind that it’s a vicious and…
I see your point, but in reality, most of your pokemon box is going to be drastically lower level than your main party. So in functionality, it’s usually a quality of life improvement for when you want to level up some secondary pokemon. Or (if this game brings them back) just to grab the pokemon you need for an HM so…
Not really. That would require you to train a few extra mons to be up to level to your current team for this to work which, at that point, you might as well sink the time into leveling your current team
Not like you couldn’t heal them up with items anyway.
Now, I know what you are thinking: Nicole Kidman looks and sounds nothing like Lucy. (You are only thinking this because you are old
It should have been Debra Messing, and I will die on that hill.
My wife’s grandmother gave her aunt a ‘Recipes for One’ cookbook the year of her divorce. She also gave my MIL dishwashing gloves.
I will never understand parents who ruin an actual good gift by making their kid feel like shit first (is how I feel about it).
This has a tie-in to the Matt Damon movie right?
You leave out the other side of the equation, which is that people living near ports had far higher rates of respiratory problems than people elsewhere, due to the pollution from all those old trucks.
Ghostbusters II didn’t work because, by that time, Murray was disengaged and clearly didn’t want to be there.
That’s a smart take. Remember that the film begins with them in the comfy realm of academia, before they’re shoved out kicking and screaming into the real world where they’re forced to go into business for themselves.
Personally, I see Ghostbusters as a “coming of age” movie.
“The flowers are STILL STANDING.”
What is the ever loving fuck do they have to do with the problem?
How do you know that’s not the intended effect? Maybe Reitman hates you personally.