
Lol yur dumb

You should probably go learn you some maths.

It was such a tragedy in the early days of deodorant, when multiple countries had their hospitals completely overwhelmed by people having a reaction to the aluminum.

About covid, your 99.98% chance of survival is kind of right if you include being over 40 as a medical condition. And survival is not everything, for some people, it takes months, maybe more, to recover from covid.

This is literally from the post:

My wife is a doctor in the ER. She knows plenty of people with no underlying conditions that didn’t survive COVID.

ah yes, secondhand aluminium. You’re not just anti perspiring yourself!

Absolutely right. There is no convincing causal connection between Aluminum and Covid

Fair enough, I just don’t think it’s required for everyone to shut down a bodily function just because. 

I remember when my Grandma got Alzheimer’s from being around someone who used aluminum in their deodorant. It was such a sad time.

This comment is such a funny self-own. You’re just double saying that you can’t understand science.  Reading is hard i guess!

It’s news to me that aluminum in deodorants is incredibly contagious. If yours is, stop rubbing either your deodorant or your armpits on the people around you, you freak. Or else you were really looking for a way to shoehorn a COVID argument into these comments, in which case you should kindly shut up and go away. 

Yeah, screw all those people with underlying health conditions! They don't even deserve to be included in statistical survival rates of an easily communicable disease!

Google “long COVID” and get back to me on the quality of life of that entire “survival” thing.

Living up to the username I see!

Can you please link to the study that found this number? I’m interested in learning more.

Oh man, checked my notifications, saw these comments and was racking my brain trying to remember what horrible thing I must have written in the comments and when. I’d forgotten that I’d posted this link. Whew!

Wow. That’s the most pretentious bullshit I’ve read in a long, long time. And I just spent 4 years getting a degree.

Wow, what a masturbatory screed.