
Somebody tell me what “classic” means in this context, because at least for some of these, the reputation was always that they were bad.

Forrest Gump: Even if you’re a bit mentally handicapped, if you do everything right by living a conservative life, you’re probably going to end up a millionaire shrimp magnate.

Jenny: Live the rock and roll lifestyle and do drugs and be a nasty liberal, and you end up a suicidal person with AIDS who dies young.

The median household income in the US for FY 2021 is $79,900. The median is the middle of the range, which makes roughly $80k/year the literal middle class.

Also I think we have different definitions of the middle of middle class.

but you do understand the 32% is just for those dollars over the line, right? 

Where can one go and buy something and make double the mortgage by renting it?  

To know how tax code helps the rich, all you have to do is look at New York City and plenty of other places with empty property just sitting there for years.

Disney+ just added one fifth the subscribers they were projecting, so maybe that entirely magical 300M projection isn’t as compelling as you think?

Sure, the law is applicable to both the rich and poor in the same way that laws banning sleeping under bridges or begging in the street is also applicable to both rich and poor.

You are welcome to lend your own money to people with no proven track record of financial understanding, property management or very little skin in the game when they run it into the ground and only lose 5-10% they put down. Let us know how that goes for you.

Your risk management model could change the history of the

Bootlickers in the comments be like

Naw, it’s rich people’s math. She leveraged a million dollars. Poor people don’t have a million dollars.

That is... in no way a comp for a gas station.

He wanted to bring in Lord Dragaunus from the animated series.

Really at this point if there’s no physical reason they can’t get vaccinated but they still haven’t, I think we can safely assume they’re anti vax.

Not true! That could be the difference!

It was August 2020. There were no vaccines available to the public yet.

He said they told him this when he went back to set in August of last year, so the vaccine wasn’t an option at the time.

Unless your next words are proving that you got the vaccine, no one cares anti-vaxxer.