“Sorry we (once again) did the absolute bare minimum and you- our beloved paying customer- are stuck with a janky, half-working version of a thing amateur enthusiasts have had functioning perfectly for decades.
“Sorry we (once again) did the absolute bare minimum and you- our beloved paying customer- are stuck with a janky, half-working version of a thing amateur enthusiasts have had functioning perfectly for decades.
This bums me out. Game changers wasn’t amazing but it was fun and light. I like Estevez in general and he was a treat and had excellent chemistry with Graham.
As a former President and national treasure, Martin Sheen deserves better than the children given him.
“Screw you, Disney, you two-bit punks! I’m Emilio Estevez, I’ve got lots going on in 2021.”
“Has Joe Rogan called back? Damn it.”
Nope, totally gravity free. You have to go through like a little security gate, and this one fish makes you check your gravity. You get a tag to get it back when you leave though. This fact isn’t widely known though, it’s mostly something that a few obscure scientists and half-baked listicle writers would know…
The one good thing about the pandemic. Being able to identify who's a terrible person with one easy step. Vaccined or not.
Quack. Quack. Quack. Quack quack quack. Quack quack.
There’s no gravity deep underwater
I know this might be an unpopular answer but I think alcohol is only a good gift if you know that the person drinks, that they’re OK with their level of drinking and that they will actually drink what you’ve given them. I’ve had a few times in my life when I’ve tried to curtail my drinking. When I turned 40 I was…
5 was actually much better than 3 IMO. Not perfect, but you’d be forgiven for thinking the show was still flawed-but-good after that season. It only truly drove off a cliff in season 6.
A heartfelt thanks for this thoughtful reply
Someone as dumb as me shouldn’t be managing $100k’s of retirement money - but you just improved thats lightly
Season 3 sucked, so if season 5 was similar I’m glad I stopped watching after 4.
—if you can overlook the bad
I love this game: Tell us you’re a POS without telling us you’re a POS. Let me guess: NASCAR should lift the ban on the “Confederate flag” at events too, right?
First time you’ve heard of him or his media group but you’re leaping to his defense.
Never heard of Bartstool Sports...
How about clicking through the links already provided in the story instead of insisting every detail be laid out again, every time they are mentioned in an article?
Found Portnoys burner account.