*20 months later*
*20 months later*
Maybe it’s just all Norwegians?
More appetizing options:
The guy was born in 1890 in the deep south. It’s impossible to think that he HADN’T used it in his daily vocabulary.
The article needs to clear one thing up. Col. Sanders never used the n-word. No need to sully his good name.
When Cameron reappeared my only thought was “Oh yeah, that guy.” I’m a little curious about why both his grandparents have ice powers. Did they both get them independently or is there a lot of inbreeding in the family?
If you’re going to have a heading called “What is considered an impulse purchase” you might consider actually delving into the details and not just have a parenthetical definition of “unplanned”.
Between them (Crusher’s crazy one-sided best friendship with Pat is too funny) and Keith David as the big bad next season, I’m in.
I feel like this review is a little harsh to be honest. I thought this was one of the strongest finales of any CW or superhero show out there and deserves at least an A-. I would argue Beth and Mike had strong, satisfying conclusions to their journeys and didn’t find anything that clumsy in the finale. In fact, my…
and Crusher will definitely be waking up Pat super early in the morning to go running and they give him looks during Thanksgiving dinner they invited themselves over. CAN’T WAIT!
OK, I am down for entire season of the Crocks being the wacky next door neighbors.
My 2003 German car requires 10x the window fiddling of my 2017 Ford. Both have auto up-down but if I want to crack a window 1/4", the Ford will take one easy click, and the German will take about 3 or 4 times of f’in around. This story is BS and this comment is utterly ridiculous - the world has already figured this…
I think it’s more that a whole lot of commenters here just don’t see super-duper-porsche-precise window switches as something that provides any benefit beyond works-as-well-as-it-needs-to camry window switches.
I must be missing something. What exactly is different about this than a window switch without an auto down/auto up feature? My Hyundai Elantra doesn’t have automatic windows, so I just push “down” and then let go when the window is where I want it, and it stops moving. Is that... all this is...?
Sorry, I’m not claiming that what this article is describing is exclusive to incels.
Came here just to say this.
I’m like 90% sure this was started by conservative incels... which seems like relevant information to include.