
Everyone is hiring right now.  You’re not competing against a thousand people per position at Target.  Target isn’t even necessarily that great of a place to work.  I just googled some lists of best retailers to work for and Target was on none of them.  Costco and Trader Joes were on all of them, so those jobs might

Just use an online wishlist.  Amazon is easy and allows you to link to anything elsewhere on the internet or just list an idea.  But if you don’t want to contribute to Bezos’ retirement fund, there are plenty of websites that will do the same thing.  People will probably purchase the stuff on Amazon anyway, but you

This is a report making it clear that that’s not the case.  Those machines are crap.  We used to fix them by disassembling and reassembling them, but it was a long process and I don’t think most people could do it.  We had 2-3 people who knew how to do it and if they weren’t in, it wasn’t happening.  This was when the

They sold a small device. The device allows workers to hack into the machines and diagnose the problems to Taylor, the manufacturer of the soft serve machine.

I believe the forensics savant was from out of town.  He’s available to be called in when they need him, but he’s not sitting at the station eating donuts.  He’s in whatever the nearest city is doing his own stuff.  They had what they thought was a clear case with an eyewitness and a notebook full of motive.  A better

Several hundred trillion sounds way, way too high. If it were a US state it would be the 33rd largest. South Korea’s annual budget is less than 0.5 trillion dollars per year. It would be a large and expensive undertaking, but SK could fund itself for a thousand years on several hundred trillion dollars.

Red Blue Green”

The recommendations include a ton of people. The biggest one is probably being overweight, which is a BMI of 25+. That covers about 3/4 of adults on its own. Working or living in high risk settings doesn’t have a strong definition, but multiple states have said if you live in this state you’re eligible because of the

Agreed with most of the list but Ghostbusters is amazing and I like Hocus Pocus more as an adult than I did as a kid.  Haven't seen a few of the movies but the rest don't hold up.

There’s a bigger jump from 12% to 22%. That’s the one I initially thought you were complaining about.

1 & 4 were great, 2 was very good, 3 was medicore but miles better than 5-8.

They were bad.  People say the series finale was bad, but it was just the culmination of 4 years of bad storytelling.

First, you can have a Roth IRA at Fidelity. The IRA is the type of investment, Fidelity is the company you’re investing through. The type of account you’re talking about is typically called a “taxable brokerage” account.

You can do that method (converting to Roth IRA) or you can also use 72(t) distributions.  Both will require in depth reading to take advantage of but they're both available to you.

It was my example, and yes it prevented spread to them.

Yes I know the meaning of the word. In my example, it prevented spread to 10 people.  It didn't eliminate all transmission. Prevent is a perfectly cromulent word for what it does.

Saying it prevents spread does not mean that it prevents 100% of infections. If 100 people would have gotten sick if no one was vaccinated and 90 people were sick after vaccination, it prevented spread to 10 people. Condoms prevent diseases and pregnancies. Seatbelts prevent deaths in car accidents. People still get

The rate of infection is higher in “youngsters” is higher than oldsters. The rate of infection in school-age kids is higher than the rate of adults. The talking point that it wasn’t affecting kids was completely missing that it was because schools were shut down but a lot of people still had to go into work. Now that

I spent about an hour and a half of time on B4B with one friend last weekend. In that time, our games crashed a combined 5 times. We were able to finish one level without it crashing. My friend finished the second level at the end of our session after I’d crashed, but his game crashed right after he completed it.

The 19.5k is your contribution limit. Your employer contributions do not count toward that. There is a total limit of 58k that includes your 19.5k, so the employer limit is essentially about 40k.