
You know, Patricia, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were leading us up to an epic-ass Creepypasta. Then again, there’s nothing really saying the creator of this game isn’t doing the same thing...hmmm...

Thank you, Matthew.

Matthew Maldonado pretty much summed up any other response I have to this argument. You're just not getting it, but whatevs.

Yeah, all the characters have exaggerated anatomy. Male and female. For the record, aesthetically-speaking, I think the designs are just ugly outside this argument. I definitely think the male dwarf design could garner a discussion about the hyper-masculine/sexualization of that character. Sure. But as the article

Dude, firstly, Fifty Shades of Grey has drawn criticism from both MEN and WOMEN for dozens of reasons. In fact, it's drawn criticism from ANYONE who understands it's poor literature.

Oh, and I checked out the archer character. Don't really know what you're point there is. Are you asking me if I find her design less offensive or more "normal" than the others? Sure. But she's one against two other designs that are just way too grossly exaggerated. The way she looks doesn't really fix the issue at

I'm not arguing for a "one size fits all" to every female character design, dude. I'm not trying to "infringe" on someone's creative take on a character or say that all males are douchebag teens who need to draw girls in big sweaters before I find them acceptable. Not the point here.

Hey, and you can.

Firstly, I've seen the penis fighting vaginas game and that really is a different issue at work. If you're trying to use that to say that it contributes to some kind of larger sexist issue at work here...actually, I don't really understand your point there. You can clarify, but I think you're trying to tilt my comment

And so, you further miss the point, but I guess that's beyond saying now. It's that mentality, that "well, if you don't like it, just ignore it" kind of perspective that deflects from what is truly wrong here.

Um, so she if she decides to grab her boobs then she HAS to be objectified? The sense that YOU don't make.

I'm just a little disappointed to see that James is at the forefront of all of this. While I liked him as a member of my squad well enough, I guess I would have preferred one of the Shepards and maybe some familiar faces like Liara or Garrus. Ditto on the overly jokey characters and voice acting. Not that good, and