
Nope, I'm enjoying making you look like an angry child waaaay to much. I'm actually hoping you are a child, at least that would give you some excuse for the hissyfit you're throwing, along with the amount of posts you make on these boards. If by chance you are an adult......dude, I'm really sorry, but you just weren't

Sorry to disappoint, but you've accomplished nothing here. Well, you did make yourself look like a douchebag, so if that's what you're going for, congrats I guess.

You keep arguing your opinion of his intentions. Why? It's your opinion, we got it. Judging by your posts, you look desperate to prove to everyone here that you know your guns. Just because he was able to keep the gun steady enough for a tight shot group (which wasn't that tight) doesn't make him accurate. It looked

I've already read the books, you're just being an even bigger moron at this point.

Are you trying to save face now? Pathetic.

Your argument would almost make sense, if this story were only available in one medium. Unfortunately, it's currently being shown as a TV series, in which this event has not yet happened.

Got it, let me hide in my room under a blanket too, just so i can avoid dipshits like you and the OP.

Watch the fucking spoilers asshole.

Why add sugared tomato paste to something that already tastes good? It falls along the same line as putting Heinz 57 on a good steak. If you want tomato flavor on your dog, slice up a damn tomato.

because it's definitely not illegal to drive with no headlights at night.

You're only half right. The one the NES got was a port of the game Kojima made, so to say that he had nothing to do with it is incorrect. The game still used the same engine, and kept some of the original levels. Snakes Revenge was absolutely not a Metal Gear game, but NES Metal Gear still starred Snake, so IMO,

It'll never happen.

Great game. I still remember beginning with the 3 characters on the left, and then one day starting up the game to find out I had somehow unlocked all of them. Good times.

Just because your being a dick is protected by law, doesn't mean you aren't being a dick.

Sure, until we turn her.

That ass end needs to go.

Never thought about collar inserts, i lose those things all the time.

Actually, it was about 50/50 on the no death thing. I know you could die in both Indy games, as well as The Dig. And technically you could die in Maniac Mansion.

Surprised I haven't seen Hummers listed.

Nope, that would require something akin to journalism.