This. Call me ridiculous, but you outfit these guys with weapons (kevlar helmets) and expect them not to use them?
Brokenscope is correct. They are essentially the same gun, and the 92FS is made in the US as well as Italy.
Slow? Weren't they available with the LS2?
I agree. Apparently if you're male, and in a group, you're a bro.
Hope you're right.
This times 1000. I believe the generic is called Inderal. I was given a massive amount of these little miracles when i was suffering from panic attacks, and now i pop them like candy every time i need to either speak in public, or be around a shit-ton of people I don't know.
I don't think i've ever heard of a Karl that wasnt an ex-con.
Not only would this not be worth the dirty looks, it seems like adding one more "side" would push the price well over what a normal bowl would cost.
Oh please no.
I can't either, seems to fit the definition perfectly.
Akitas in at linebacker. 125 lbs of Japanese bear-fighting motherfucker.
Must have been a while back. Im in MD now, and can honestly say that every accident I've almost been in here (mostly on 295) was caused by some entitled asshole merging without bothering to look, or driving up the shoulder trying to pass as many cars as possible before entering the lane. I fucking hate these people. I…
Seems that way. The defense maintained that George was on his way back to his truck when he was assaulted by Trayvon. There was no evidence to prove otherwise.
She's trans, but they have never said whether she was post-op or pre-op.
Please don't ever use the word castration on Jezebel again. You're just giving ideas to an already unstable audience. Someone will get hurt.
You're a terrible person. +1
IIRC, the headlights came up one at a time (something to do with one "filling up" first, maybe someone else can elaborate). So if you turned them on and then off right away, only one came up, and then went back down.
Are they seriously trying to blame the pavement?