
Finally I won’t need to use this version of III anymore.

“about 1/3 the size of either guy”

The big question, then, is why? Shutting down a game critic, even one as loud and brash as Sterling, is going to result in bad PR. There's almost no way for this to look good for the creator.

Oh my God YES. I freaking HATED that. I used to work the Connection Center a lot too and that is one of the most frequent things I've had to do (that and troubleshooting people's computer problems, even if they didn't buy the computer at Walmart. They don't seem to realize we get absolutely NO training). It absolutely

You majored in Gangnam Style?!?!?!!!?

What did they find? Well, in the control sample, the cops ignored all of the protagonists all fifteen times—which makes sense. The cops weren't 'provoked.' But during the actual trials that involved talking and honking? Franklin was indeed the character that got harassed or attacked the most times by cops, but he was

This ones for facebook, this one for twitter, this one for my other twitter that follows the other twitter, this one is my paperweight, this one is for ebook, this one is for emags, this one is for candy crush, this one is for music, these 100 are all fake book friends, and the rest only contain pictures of cats.

Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo!

You will ALLL love Zoidberg!

The people at Night Dive have ceased their attempts to re-release No One Lives Forever. They now control the trademark, but without a game to use it on, they're going to let it lapse. No One Lives Forever will remain unavailable on digital stores, and modern gamers who want to play the games will have to either track

Before they could do all of that, however, Night Dive had to actually work out a deal with whoever could legally give them the right to proceed. And therein lies the rub. What follows is their account of what happened over the past year. It's frustrating and a bit convoluted, but it exposes a real problem faced by

Back In My Day We had a Character for that...

What is he, Achilles?

Don't bother with him. Its still amazing he is defending something that was made incorrectly.

why is Ryoku in 2k when only 6 eps of the OVA actually came out in 2k? the entire rest of the series/movies came out from 94 up to 2k.

I wonder what anime will look like thirty years from now.

You can get the PlayBook 4 for $1,395 (HDMI out is another $50 and shipping within the U.S. is $50). For those looking for a deal, you can provide the PS4 and get the PlayBook 4 for $1,095. They're are available in black and blue as well as in white and black.

Did I say Pikachu? Sorry, I meant Pikachus. Plural.

Now playing

I haven't been a comic book fan for decades, but I am an Alan Moore fan. I loved his take on superheroes in WATCHMEN and also MIRACLE MAN. While I enjoyed the first SUPERMAN movie (and still have a terrible crush on its John Williams score), Moore brought a certain intellectual deconstruction to the genre that I