Amazing except why does everyone rush to help him? Shouldn’t someone be checking on her?
Amazing except why does everyone rush to help him? Shouldn’t someone be checking on her?
Right? Maybe it’s because I live in NY but $3 doesn’t seem that steep. I feel like they’re more than that at the movies. I get the markup percentage & all, but still- what’s there, like 25/30 M&Ms in a bag? I’m good with $3.
I usually HATE when people refer to Pellegrino as San Pellegrino. It just sounds so snooty for some reason (probably all of the douchey gallery receptions I’ve worked)... But I have to say, a “cold San P” might be my new favorite. I could actually go for a cold San P right now.
“...give people some space to parent in ways you might not choose to.”
It's crazy/amazing/kind of creepy how on the money my cat's ASPCA feline-laity (or whatever) assessment was.
Definitely see a vet. Any time my cat has done that it's been because she's had a UTI or bladder infection. (Don't worry- the treatment is cheap.)
Omg, we're going through the same thing now with our 11 year old girl. We knew she was for us at the shelter when she walked into the room, head butted my leg, and rolled into her back. After taking her for a check up last week we found out her lungs are just full of cancer. Amazingly she has no symptoms at all, so…
YES. We adopted ours from the ASPCA when she was 8. I can't imagine dealing with a kitten after getting such a chill, old-ish creature. (Bonus- cats over 3 are free!)
I am just a rando on the Internet & my opinion shouldn't matter, but I 100% think you did a really, really kind thing.
This is way too level-headed and rational of a comment for this arena.
Can you at least salvage the frame to use with a different photo? I've done that.
Yes. Yes. Yes. I've tried prob 10 brands, ranging from $3-$20 (including the Tresemme one) and I have to say, the $3 Suave has won me over. My hair is a little thin too, so if I spray a bit all over (not just the roots) it makes it fuller with some texture. I'll leave home without makeup before I'll leave without…
Depth :)
You have to change the clock back to normal once you see the full lives there but BEFORE you start playing.
close game->set clock ahead->open game/see full lives->set clock back to normal ->then play.
your life sounds very serious.
This has happened to me on iOS too. She has to change the clock back to normal once she sees the full lives there but BEFORE she starts playing.
close game->set clock ahead->open game/see full lives->set clock back to normal ->then play.
Also- they are known for ripping off independent artists & mass producing shittier versions of their designs. You can Google for examples (I'm on my phone & posting links is a pain). I tend to like Anthro's aesthetic, but this just makes me sad & reminds me to shop on Etsy!
Really? This might be the most useless topic ever written about. Here's how to get away with it: just don't be a dick.
Your screen name wins the internet.
Your screen name wins the internet.