
Yep- def in the same boat. Sometimes it even does the low battery/power off with 30% remaining. I got one of those battery pack phone cases (Mota, I think?) and that's helped a lot. But if I'm going to be out for a long while, I've just resigned myself to bringing my charger.

My only gripe with Yahoo is that just about every day the daily anticipated "high" is off when compared with the hourly forecast. For example- it will say today's high will be 77, but if you look at the hourly highs, none go above 70. Maybe this isn't unique to Yahoo but that's the only one I've noticed it on.

My friend's name is BathSheba, which I think is pretty bad-ass. (She generally goes by Beth.)
Though not religious, she named her son Cross, which is also pretty bad-ass.

I'm a Karen born in the late '70's and there was only 1 other in my grade. I don't know any others right know, but since it sounds like a middle aged secretary's name, I suspect it's because I'm not in secretary hang-outs all that often. Also, I feel like women named Karen do Jazzercise. The only time I embraced my

In my high school, sporting events were free to the public but tickets for plays/musicals had to be purchased. So really, our Theatre Guild brought in all the cash for the school & no one gave those kids special recognition. Priorities are strange.

"4. Some mattresses had the mattress covers unnecessarily removed with soiling on mattresses with blood stains requiring steam cleaning"

There is a Joe Coffee on 21st next to SVA, & those coffee artisans or whatever give such attitude when you ask for espresso in a paper cup. First of all, the place holds about 3 people & a small dog, so there's nowhere to sit with the precious Kobayshi china. Second, unless I can text you to retrieve the mug from me

OMG IT IS. pink, unsweetened juice of the gods. especially when it's all frothy !

I agree- & you know where those people can go to get coffee PRECISELY the way they want it?? Home! To their own kitchen, where they are only restricted by their own reluctance to learn how to make what they want.

No, a child itself doesn't have to be a "career killer" but having a baby DOES change your body significantly. As an athlete (pro or not) it's a fair consideration. She wasn't ready for any of the permanent changes & neither was he- end of discussion.

also, your name is awesome & I totally thought the red avatar was the cover of "if you're feeling sinister."

I seriously watched this 5 times on buzzfeed last nite. still can't get enough.

I just saw on Instagram today that this little handful of adorable died yesterday. I'm way too sad about this.

I'm sure you didn't win Teacher of the Year for that, but you damn well should have.

I would spend $150 just to do this guy a favor & get it out of there. Then maybe he would call me his friend, because he seems pretty awesome.

This. For years.

Point me in the direction of the ephedrine! Stacker did zip, but Trimspa was my jammmm.

haha that's a bride who is SERIOUS about not getting upstaged by anyone on her day.

Cost aside, anyone who wants an albino version of one of the most colorful animals is an idiot.

OK so this is pretty much the most amazing thing ever. I'd be willing to pay Shane $25 to come with me to the Apple store so I can get a free battery for my old MacBook. You guys could probably set up a nice little business, actually...