
So the problem here is that black hair has the most natural high volume of any race's hair. Every other race has either flat hair, waves, or ringlets. Not large volume puffy hair. I'm not really sure how anyone except maybe a person with very frizzy ringlets could sustainably hide stuff in their hair. Afros? You can

? But this is about a woman that thinks she is owed being eaten out. There was no argument that guys are entitled to being blown. That she wants it only one way is her prerogative. But it also reflects that she's just a shitty person.

Maybe she can't find a submissive little bitch to eat her out?

My dealer spliced hemlock into my kush. Now I'm dead.

I'm 31, with a master's degree, my husband is finishing up his PhD, we have a child, and we live in a 2 bedroom apartment. The American dream is dead.

If they were easy they would be worthless.

I used to be poly, for about 5-6 years in my early 20s, until I realized that there's a physics problem involved.

Love requires time and energy. Time and energy are finite. Thus, there is only so much love one can actually give, long term, without eventually becoming drained & exhausted.

If each person gets half your

Yeah like, that's all great except for the part where you are trying to consider yourself in relationships with these people. That's just so indicative of a serious problem you have. I'm all on board with the free love mentality man. Make it the 70s up in here, I don't care.

If relationships were easy they would all last forever.

What's the over/under on how long before poly and open relationship type people take their evangelizing door-to-door like Jehovah's Witnesses?

"half glass full" incident:

so only a rich man on a mission can ...

Yeah, I'm gonna keep right on peeing whenever I have to pee, thank you very much.

No way, sex with a full bladder is weird and uncomfortable.

I'm sorry but Willows tweet is so inappropriate for a 14-year-old. I get where she is trying to go with it but Jesus christ, she is still a child.

I don't want the Oscar's to change based on complaints like this. Since it's a prestige award, if they become more inclusive, I see a future where the goalposts will be moved. It'll be similar to what happens when women overtake a formerly male profession & the industry does a dance while clapping, as they drop

White Americans make up 77.7% of the population, so.....

I didn't realise they were awards for diversity.

A girlfriend who doesn't like that isn't worth having.