
Let’s call it ‘Baity McBaitface Nontroversy’.

Just another clickbait ‘controversy’.

8 year old “activists” make me cringe and think crazy parents.

The men in those movies don’t sing their own songs either.

As much as I like being rescued. Every girl does

I don’t believe in artificial social constructs like race either.

So your theory is that Clinton had a secret agenda to put black people in jail because he hates black people. Or was it a bad policy decision that had unintended consequences?

It’s okay to be critical of BLM like it is to be critical of anyone. It’s a-okay. Bill is fine. lol

trans-cultural diffusion is an idea that I grasp fully... You smashed several messy thoughts together and not only worded them strangely but did not connect whatever you were trying to get across sensically at all... Try again

No, I understand diffusion completely but you used a very poor example that was worded strangely or just not thought through... But honestly it just seems you're searching for a fight... Over it...

Once again people dress up like policeman every day ask your friendly neighborhood stripper... As long as they don’t attempt a very sexy arrest everything is gravy...none of these ladies of the coachella variety are screaming from the top of their lungs that they are war Chiefs...

Please tell me your level of outrage on sexy nun costumes???

The same way the piss Christ and porno queen are art... Nothing is holy...we live in a lovely land of free expression...let’s keep it that way

we are just going to have to agree to disagree here...have fun with your cherry picked censorship

people do wear turbans and tallits as fashion big whoop

This is the third time Gawker Media has posted this exact same content today. Trying to manufacture outrage much?

It is something we wouldn’t do if genders were reversed. Something to think about.

It’s not funny. And if this had been a women who couldn’t speak and was killed and fed to the dogs Jezebel and people commenting wouldn’t dare mock the story. Making jokes about a man who was brutally murdered is disgusting. The jokes and the picture are in bad taste.

I really have to say I think the ‘beggin’ strips’ joke and accompanying picture for this article are crass. These are terrible things that have happened to real people. I can’t imagine if a man had killed his wife in this manner that anyone on this site would be wise cracking.

“...they wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing...”