
Exactly. It’s a right-leaning publication. It isn’t some far right propaganda pamphlet and is a far cry away from the likes of the Daily Mail.

Tbh, most Chinese tea that you find in Britain tends to be cheaper brands of Oolong, Green Tea etc. Most of it is sold in Chinese supermarkets or wholesalers that supply Chinese takeout places and restaurants.

Twinings is better but Typhoo is still decent. In fact most of the supermarket own-brand tea that you can buy in Britain is still better than the stuff you will find anywhere else in the world with the exception of a few places like Turkey, India and Japan.

Yeah same episode I think. Lucy Liu was the adoption agent.

I don’t want to turn this into a huge discussion about British domestic politics on an American website so I’m just going to leave this here.

It’s not only not a cultural taboo. It seems to be actively encouraged. The entire economic model of China is to create profit in the quickest, most half-arsed and cheapest way possible. Whether that means ripping someone else off or destroying massive parts of the environment doesn’t matter. The long-term

China has very few creative types. It is not a culture that fosters or encourages creativity. Most of the talented creative types that it does give birth to will high tail their arses out of there as soon as the opportunity arises. Case in point, Jenova Chen.

Was that when Homer was a Chinese Acrobat? 😂

Believe me, the British are actually worse at this. They have now allowed a leftist politician to create a Stalin-inspired personality cult around himself to the point where he’s appearing at music festivals and all manner of insane shit. If the media is to be believed, then some young voters may have even committed

True but I think most tea in Britain is actually imported from India.

Any elements of communism that still exist only do so for the benefit of those in power. The last thing Xi Jinping and his ilk want is the population getting any ideas about democracy.

The most hilarious thing is that Chinese tourists now flood Japanese cities every year and buy all manner of crazy shit at retail including toasters, rice cookers, irons, TV’s, games consoles etc because they know there’s no guarantee that what they buy at home will be the real thing.

Actually I think that game might be plagarising this well-known British brand of teabags.

China is no longer a communist country. I mean it still says it is but that’s all bullshit really. In reality modern China is probably the most capitalist nation on Earth.

No I’m not. I’d have no problem with Japan getting the Switch a few months before everyone else. That’s how things worked when I was a kid and it seemed far less chaotic than the current situation.

OK so your tastes are different to mine and those of others in this thread. No harm there.

Well good luck with that.

Japan and the rest of Asia waited for a good few months for the PS4 and almost a year for the Xbox One after it launched in the West. If stock problems are an issue (and in this case they obviously are) I’m not sure that staggered releases are a totally bad thing really.

It seems like a pattern though that these issues always seem to affect Nintendo much worse than any other console manufacturer or games publisher. Incidentally they also seem to be the only ones who always look to maximise profit on every area of business, including hardware sales.

So in other words, they are incompetent then?