I did it myself over a year ago. The hardware part is simple. The software part is overly labour intensive and a gigantic pain in the arse.
I did it myself over a year ago. The hardware part is simple. The software part is overly labour intensive and a gigantic pain in the arse.
To generalise a group of people is not an act of racism. You could say that it was an act of negative prejudice if you like, but it isn’t racism.
Well for two reasons really.
Valve, Google and Microsoft have been hacked
Whether you like the combat is a separate thing from the execution of it.
I’ve never had any external USB issues with the Xbox One. I have had a lot of storage problems with the PS4 though.
Isn’t it funny, you can rip the piss out of the Americans, the Japanese, the Canadians or the British as much as you like but say one word against the blacks, the Arabs or the Chinese and the SJW’s are on you like white on fucking rice.
Bingo and let’s face it, nobody does that. Nobody.
What Romans, what in the hell are you even talking about?
“the truth is everything will be hacked”
Because they didn’t practice much of what they preached.
It won’t be because those companies that I mentioned are competent when it comes to data security.
Shouldn’t you be acting hysterically at an anti-Trump rally somewhere?
I do. It is your understanding of it that is wrong.
You absolutely do get to complain because Sony’s policies and attitude to this area are dog shit.
USB storage. That’s the acceptable solution.
Idiots, that’s who. Also known as PS4 fanboys.
Except the PS4 won’t let you install games to USB. That’s the problem.
It isn’t that simple and you know it. It is also entirely unnecessary and anti-consumerist.