
I don’t trash-talk anyone in-game or post-match. I’ve never seen much point as it rarely produces any positive result.

Then you’re lucky because unfortunately I encounter them all the time when I play it.

It may be old but I feel that HL2 belongs on this list.

The worst thing about Overwatch is generally Overwatch players. They’re either fucking idiots who don’t understand the point of the game and think it’s like Halo or Call of Duty or they’re hardcore Blizzard freaks who are so concerned with the canon and lore that they forget how to actually play a match.

No, they’re a long way off of that if their behaviour is anything to go by.

In the winter? No thanks.

Yep, didn’t see this one coming. Didn’t see it at all.

That was yesterday and yes you did bring that up. A battle that the French only managed to survive because Germany had to focus its attention elsewhere and this is all despite France supposedly having “the most powerful army on Earth” at the time.

At the time the French were the most powerful army on earth

Ah Russia. The country that whenever you think where you live is backward or shit, you need only look at to make you feel like you live in paradise.

“Of course not. Because they are not American.”

FYI, I’m British and I have plenty of jokes about US soldiers, believe me.

No problem and thanks, I’ll give it a try.

So essentially now that they are done with plagarising Destiny, they’re now trying their hand at plagarising DayZ instead.

You may want to return your “America: Back to Back World War Champs” t-shirt.

You, on the other hand, believe that not only civilians are chattle that can be left for slaughter just as long as they don’t have the passport you like

What part of Europe are you in? Because I have been to quite a few places in Europe and have never seen anything like that apart from in war museums and the concentration camps that still stand in parts of Germany and the former Soviet Union.

Come back when you actually have a fucking clue what it means to fight a war on home soil. 

Thank you but someone had already used your code. I hope they offered you their thanks.

In a standard 6v6 match Bastion can be indispensable if used correctly by a defending team. He is pretty much useless for anything other than that though IMHO.