I like that there's a map pack focusing on infantry combat. I like tanks and everything, but sometimes I like a good, old-fashioned firefight at a chokepoint. Those moments are kind of ruined by tanks.
I like that there's a map pack focusing on infantry combat. I like tanks and everything, but sometimes I like a good, old-fashioned firefight at a chokepoint. Those moments are kind of ruined by tanks.
I'll say it. I hate the endings in part because Shepard dies. Here's a man that's sacrificed so much to save galactic life, and each option is so painfully bleak already.
She still does. That's a Dreadnought-class ass. She's a legally-bound military asset according to the Treaty of Farixen.
I can't have a serious conversation with Samara.
I wanted Shepard to find peace and have a Star Wars: Return of the Jedi moment — you know, where everyone's celebrating, but it's still a little somber because some good people died. Instead, I end up subjecting a race to extinction, despite hours earlier helping them validate their existence against their creators…
The ending of Mass Effect 3 hurts in the worst way; it's an horrendous cop-out and makes most of the game's build-up so utterly pointless. Depending on how you approach the story, you may also find yourself choosing against your Shepard's morals for what you may perceive to be the best possible ending.
Import errors?
I love you.
I guess it could be a psychological effect for me; I perceive it as a waste of ammo to fire three rounds, and I just don't like the sound of the Battle Rifle firing. I remember the way the Battle Rifle behaved in the E3 2003 demo of Halo 2, and to me, that's the best iteration of the weapon.
Functionally, I prefer the DMR. Cosmetically, I really like the Battle Rifle.
I liked the DMR over the Battle Rifle. The appearance of the Battle Rifle is preferrable, but I hate 3-round burst weapons; I like single-shot, semi-automatic much more, and since the E3 2003 Halo 2 demonstration, I've always felt that the Battle Rifle should have been such. I don't imagine a select-fire option is…
Sprinting damn well should be available for all classes. I've been moving like ass for three games now; it's time to bring the Chief up to speed, literally.
Spartan IV training program? They have to compete for survival after augmentation because there's limited space for candidate advancement? Seems silly, but I think that's the most likely. =/
Really? Same guy?
Thank God for in-house development of the multiplayer. I didn't enjoy the glorified Battlefield Bad Company CQC multiplayer of the last Medal of Honor. If the gameplay was more like Battlefield 3, I would have enjoyed the hell out of it, but it just reeked of Bad Company.
I can agree there; you're certainly not coming ahead as a consumer trading in at Gamestop or even selling peer-to-peer. I guess it's not so much that the used game market is hurting the industry, but much more that the industry perceives itself as being hurt — which is where that entitlement comes into play. If X can…
Well, shit, most sites reported a bonus squadmate and mission for the Collector's Edition anyway. Now everyone has an opportunity, since players that didn't opt for the Collector's Edition can now buy in to some of the content they otherwise wouldn't receive.
The used game market helps drive publisher and developer decisions. It's hard to maintain longterm relevence with a single title over a year with all the trade-in incentives Gamestop and the like offer. In the early days of Xbox Live, DLC was a significant thing, something that breathed new life into a title, but…
For some people. the problem isn't so; it's just an acceptable approach to additional content. Money talks, and I imagine for a lot of people, the money says that this approach, even if conspiracy theories prove true, is perfectly fine.
I mind if it's content locked on-disc, but this I don't really have a problem with, as long as BioWare's being honest about their activity while discs are being manufactured. A lot of people believe that content like this is a major element of the overall story, but this hasn't been true of many of BioWare's DLC…