
@Saver: It's ridiculously entertaining to watch.

@Shadowguitar: The market may be saturated as hell, but an FPS never screwed anybody out of thousands (and in some cases, millions) of dollars; they tend to leave that to greedy publishers.

I think in-game product placement adds a layer of believability to the world you're trying to immerse yourself in. It's difficult to overdo it for me, so long as the products are believable and fit well within the context of the universe, like seeing a Toyota hover-car advertisement in a futuristic FPS or an Axe

@Hongo: I'm starting to think the whole "brand awareness" shit was just a ploy by Activision to make an effective argument to keep the rights to the franchise. This shit's been cooking up for months, and I think there's a few dozen closets with skeletons in them Activision doesn't want the public or any sensible jury

@Murderdolls: I do, but how much I care is really dependent upon how involved Infinity Ward is, if it at all. If they just happen to rotate a bunch of new guys into the studio, I'm going to care a lot less because the original creators will either be outnumbered or entirely gone.

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: "Ramirez! Pretend we're not discriminating against you because of your perceived ethnicity based solely on your name, even if your true ethnic background is as ambiguous as Lady Gaga's true gender! Is she a man? Is she a woman? Tell me, Ramirez!"

@alaCarter: It died with Modern Warfare. The sequel was a mess, but I still want some closure for the characters, and I'll be damned if I don't think the idea of the Rangers taking it to Russia in a future title doesn't sound like fun, if anything beyond some sort of half-assed nostalgia moment from a wide variety of

@eeranyA39: A Tale of Two Sheps. Three if we want to include the guy from Fox News.

@Killer Toilet: Is this before or after General Shepard time travels to kill Commander Shepard, then travels back in time to make love with Commander Shepard's mother, thereby sewing his manipulative seed and fathering the aforementioned Commander, all before traveling back in time before Captain Price was born and

@Killer Toilet: Do you mean the other eye, or are we re-injuring the same one?

@DeepFriar: Oh, you too? I'll take to punching myself in the balls, then.

@wicket_lfe: Anonymity and testosterone rarely sit well in a competitive setting. It's possibly some deep-seated insecurity stemming from anything like family issues to work anxiety to a poor or non-existent love life. The guys that couldn't be the badasses in high school are taking advantage of every opportunity they

@Murderdolls: That, or they wanted to send a message to Justin Bieber that he can suck it.

@(Zombie) Jölan: Thank God they've done that already. Well... Who the hell am I kidding? They're probably going to do it again.

@Cheeze_Pantz: A version in which you take part in the reprehensible activities of an evil organization wouldn't sit well with the younger audience, nor their parents. Storyline differences may, and certainly should occur, but I think offering a starkly different experience between the two versions would be more of a

@T-800: Until it became a secondary Ground type and gave water attacks a neutral effectiveness.

@Ashurahori: I buy both so I can trade monsters in between versions and train, evolve, and complete the Pokedex when a friend isn't available to help me out. I usually loan the cart I don't primarily play on to my niece, though, and she has a blast with it.

@SiegWarheit: The school stands out as one of the best sequences, but I remember the original FEAR focusing much more on the supernatural and horror aspects than the action bits. I'm hoping Day One can find a healthy medium between the action and the horror, but I think as far as the franchise as a whole goes, I'd be

@SiegWarheit: FEAR 2 didn't really do it for me. It suffered pretty heavily from Action-Packed Sequelitis. I guess after my "meh" experience, I'm looking forward to seeing what other projects Monolith is involved in, and it's genuinely interesting to me that Day One was selected to continue the franchise.