I'm holding out for Bad Religion: Rock Band.
I'm holding out for Bad Religion: Rock Band.
@XODIS: It was mostly because I left the system on and played in between matches in other games.
@geiko: "Game journalist has falling out with son; argument to be settled in Wii Boxing contest."
@Andrew Murphy: I took it upon myself to make pancakes for my nieces the other day while their parents slept in. It was an adventure, and the dog got more out of it than anybody else as I gave him all the burnt ones.
@XODIS: Pokemon SoulSilver - 90 hours.
@Pheermee: It depends on the legendary. A monster like Suicune isn't much of a legend in terms of stats, but something like Mewtwo (or even a well-raised Salamence/Dragonite) is a beast. As long as I don't feel like I'm pistol-whipping a blind kid because of the monster's stats, I'm generally fine with having a…
@TheSolarKnight: I always have a hell of a time with Whitney because my highest leveled monsters are generally male, and Miltank heals like a bitch every two moves.
@Kovitlac: I think many horror games suffer from Action-itis. Developers seem to run out of ways to scare players, so perhaps they hope that by extending the action areas of the game, the few scares that punctuate the high-octane firefights will have more of an effect.
@Nintendo451: Pokemon SoulSilver and Dead Space, at the same time, oddly enough.
@blaaps: And I was just beginning to think they couldn't find anybody more monotone than Steve Downes.
@StealthMaster86: I've got the popcorn.
@CockroachMan: I'm not a huge horror game kind of guy, but Dead Space was probably one of my favorite titles of 2008. Some of the scares were cheap, yes, and second playthroughs definitely play hell with the atmosphere, but to this day I still stomp the everloving shit out of every corpse I happen to find just for the…
@dracosummoner: I always felt it was more effective just to sever the limb and shoot the pod. I tried launching them earlier today, and while I was able to connect with a few of them, I frequently over-aimed and ended up hitting a wall or the ground behind the Necromorph, rarely killing it. With it severed, I just…
@JesterBee: I have over 500 rounds in the bank. I wonder, with Dead Space 2's premise, if ammo will, storyline-wise, be scarce as the human population takes up arms against the Necromorphs.
@Bipolar.Bear.Disorder: I agree. Terminal and Invasion appear too infrequently; no map should be less common than Rust in a Team Anything playlist.
@Invisible-Echidna: Traditionally, Activision hasn't lowered prices except for promotional purposes of another game in the franchise or a couple weeks preceding the launch of a new title. They, for whatever reason, think they can bleed turnips dry.
@SecCom: Really the only issues I can see are with Showdown Shipment. Even Vacant wouldn't be that adversely affected by the Marathon-Lightweight combo, no more than Crash might (should the OpFor sprint down the alley immediately, for example). No other perk combination really ruins the fun, unless it's One Man Army…
@Helis: It doesn't anymore. In fact, it's one of worst weapons to use in the game after the patching they've done, making it a weapon used either because idiots love running around with inaccurate Akimbo'd guns or because somebody wants to complete challenges with it.
@Paradox Viper: That's your inner optimist talking; treat him well, even though he will betray you one day.