
@GangztaX: Going into it knowing I was a Big Daddy certainly worked against any scares. I think the most I got from the experience was some slight anxiety from the first Big Sister encounter. Every time after that, I set up traps, hacked cameras and bots, and brought out the explosives.

She looks a little bit like Patrick Swayze.

My grandmother passed away in 2007. Over the course of five months, I had watched her transform from the vibrant, outgoing woman that had supported me for the last eight years of my life to little more than a shadow of her former self. It hurt walking into that hospital room, knowing there was going to be some tube

@Azures: I agree, except on the "should be killed" point. Maybe slapped thoroughly with a greased trout, but certainly not killed.

@Piccoroz: Ear-splitting action button or no deal.

@BloodEden: Turns out one of the commentators was Eric Nylund. Total "Oh shit" moment for me, as I missed his name the first go-around. I think maybe his understanding of the fiction trends to what he's worked on and limited or biased exposure to the offerings that take place before, after, and in-between.

I think Frank O'Connor's narration of "The Story So Far" is really solid, but the other guys performing commentary was either far too nervous or far too unfamiliar with the fiction to really sell me on 343 Industries.

@Zerorush: I just skipped it. Wasn't really in the mood for it. It did remind me a bit of FLCL, which is why I'll eventually get around to watching it.

@bowen13: Now you're just jumping games.

@bowen13: Paragons piss gold: confirmed.

@Sonans: "I'm enjoy a nice deep dish pizza at this fine establishment my company just sued the fuck out of."

@Beardbeardly: You're... right... Damn, I want a new Twisted Metal.

@Beardbeardly: With guns. And blood. And people shouting "RELOADING" every nine frigging seconds. It's going to be so extreme.

@madammina: It's a total bitch trying to go at it just by writing. It definitely helps to bring a secondary skill to the table to utilize, unless you're phenomenal with writing and manage to score a good position at an established studio.

Can't wait for the Xbox Live Arcade port.

@h0ghead: And they're still pretty cutthroat about the price.

@Tiller: He looks like he'd make my Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago figures his bitches.

@Koda89: "Leave my family alone and put all our stuff back or I'll cut you!"

@Giantmoth: I'm only going from the media. I've played the demo. I know Marines have the capacity to kick some ass.