Just a friendly reminder:
Just a friendly reminder:
Winner, winner, three-course child-free dinner.
As the father of 8 and 2 year-old daughters, I am 100% okay with this. We don’t get too many nights out without the kids, and on the occasions that we do, nothing is more deflating than going out for a nice dinner only to end up with screaming infants and/or young children running around, making noise. There are…
There are movies where you can’t take your kids, same with restaurants. Not everything has to be kid friendly, not everyone has kids and there are people like me that have kids but that does not mean I enjoy other’s people kids always, especially when they misbehave and the parents say and do nothing about it.
If I’m remembering correctly, the “guest” you’re referring to here is actually Abernathy, who is very definitely a host. He’s the whole reason Charlotte and Bernard get involved with the outlaws, and his programming is all screwed up thanks to the massive file dump in his head. (Although I wouldn’t be at all surprised…
She deflected the blame onto every. Single. Person. In the room during Untucked. Saying that they said that Eureka was obnoxious when they did no such thing, but oh, they didn’t really say that after all, it was seen in their facial expressions!
Is everyone else done with The Vixen? I mean, done. Just, bye bitch done go girl no one wants you here no more?
Hearing Mz Cracker and Kameron talk about the insane amount of money they spent to be on the show was eye-opening. I know they risk a lot to be there, but more than college tuition? Wow.
It boggles my mind that after 10+3 seasons there have been precisely zero Golden Girls in the Snatch Game. Like seriously, gay legends and ALSO clearly defined character traits?! They would be Snatch Game gold!
Right, he felt that. I don’t think Kanye gets any kind of that talk...straight talk...from anyone around him.
Well, you know, no. “NO”, not only because he’s completely unqualified, believes he’s entitled to it, and those beliefs have quite possibly damaged his grey matter to the point where they may well have misshapen his actual head – but also because in what IIRC was an NYT profile nearly a year ago…
Could we fucking NOT blame Bonnie here, of all places? Could we celebrate the fact that my girl Bonnie recognized and got the fuck out of that scary-ass situation? Could we maybe - I dunno, just spitballing here - do a better job of making it clear that we blame the fucking murderer rapist for his own goddamn actions?
They’re really trying this. Really. In a world increasingly hell-bent on punishing women who have sex, they’re whining that it’s a basic need for men. Fucking really.
“Access to sex.” Isn’t that just masturbation? Pretty sure they can do that without “redistribution.”
And don’t take it out in your mommy or Bonnie either, get therapy and leave everybody alone.
The Lady Gaga collaboration remains especially baffling to me. A song whose chorus goes “Do what you want with my body” with R fucking Kelly? How was there no one in the room saying “ Hold on, even if all the accusations against this dude are false (and they’re not. He was married to a 14 year old, and that’s a matter…
Undoubtedly this man is unhinged and has been for a long time. Men, don’t take your mommy issues out on us. We are not your mommy or your Bonnie and we don’t deserve to be stalked, raped and killed for the real or perceived actions of the women in your life.
Sorry I missed y’all last week - travel! So just a few Random ‘pinions tonight:
Honestly I’m still a little misty eyed over Blair’s bravery in confessing. That she felt comfortable enough to admit such an awful thing speaks so much to the heart and community this season has. I can actually root for everyone without feeling conflicted.