If you want a fast paced activity how about pick any sport other than golf, jerkass.
If you want a fast paced activity how about pick any sport other than golf, jerkass.
So he injures players in practice, but is also bad at defense in practice?
The Pens scored 28 goals in 6 games and won the series 4-2 and you’re saying the Flyers gave them trouble? lol. Come on now. They Flyers played well at times, but the Pens exposed their weakness and made them pay. How about the Pens PP defense. Amazing this series.
There is something so lovely about her. I know it’s showbiz where damn near everyone is fake, but her sheer enthusiasm and joy make her freakin’ radiant. I really, really hope this movie is well-written.
the Committee To Defend The President
I always get pissed off about these types of motivational speakers that view any type of externalization of blame as “victimhood” or “blaming others.” It always reads, to me, like what they’re trying to do is guilt you and make you dislike yourself so that you’ll buy their next book/attend their next seminar on how to…
When she was talking about her sexual encounter with Trump did anyone else think about the implications scene from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia? I particularly thought of Mac’s line “But it sounds like they don’t want to have sex with you?”
Saw the group on Facebook because someone I’m friends with commented on one of their posts. Anyone who asked why can’t it be both was ignored, while those damning the kids for walking out were applauded. Its rightwing deflection.
Seriously— fuck the pep rallies, cancel every single one of those useless things, and replace them with Civics Outings! Go to protests! Go to voter drives! Go to visit your state rep who’s been hiding from his constituents & ask him to answer all your questions!
Like the negative consequences of walking out on an education? Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that a “detention” or “suspension” is somehow a fitting “punishment” for a student who is already punishing themselves by walking away from their education, even but for a short time? All because they don’t want to…
This was the letter sent to parents in our school district. Another reason I’m thrilled we live in the district we do.
Come for the songs you remember from high school. Stay for the lecture on New World Order mind control techniques and Alex Jones pamphlets.
Part of it might be the arena-sized venues the Pumpkins are booked to play, which do seem a bit much for a band well past its MTV-courting salad days.
I learned about the relationship with Soon-Yi first, and that was more than enough for me to remove him from my list of people whose films I’ll watch. Just based on that relationship alone, I honestly don’t get how anyone could disbelieve Dylan Farrow.
Costco actually could work for 20-somethings who are either in college or living with roommates because there are enough mouths to make a membership worth it. As a 30-something I don’t use Costco as much as I used to now that I’ve gotten my own place, though I still keep the membership mostly because I use Costco as…
We live in an apartment. Granted a two-bedroom but it’s not huge. I’m all in on Costco. No, you can’t do ALL your shopping there (we don’t eat tomatoes fast enough to devour a whole bin before they go bad), but c’mon “millennials”... the bulk booze (name brands, not just “Kirkland”) is cheap, you can just get large…
I know everyone is like “oh she just has low self esteem and that’s why she surrounds herself with pedos,” but what if she’s a pedo herself and that’s why she knowingly surrounds herself with pedos?
Yep. But the maternal excusal of molestation and attraction to klan-flavored self-proclaimed Christians is sort of a package deal. In their world: all blacks (except that one they like) are niggers, all girls are sexable, and all white men are just one lucky break from being a billionaire. Those women try to get in on…
Yep. When I was younger, the churches I went to all preached the same sort of admission/forgiveness thing, but they all also stressed dealing with the consequences of your actions (faith without works is dead, etc., etc.). I don’t see any of that here. The senior pastor said Savage was “hurt by the ripple effect of…