That happens all the time with test screenings. Somehow, I got on a list to preview a new show with Nicole Kidman. It was so bad that I only watched an episode and a half of the six episodes they sent me.
That happens all the time with test screenings. Somehow, I got on a list to preview a new show with Nicole Kidman. It was so bad that I only watched an episode and a half of the six episodes they sent me.
That can happen with movies sometimes. Apparently, filming was finished exactly two years ago. We probably won’t see a general release until 2024 sometime.
You can’t add basement square footage to a house listing unless it’s considered “usable living space” which has its own set of requirements.
Less driveway to maintain is actually a huge benefit to these houses. My parents have a 2.5 car garage with a loft so it’s pretty big. It’s about 150' from the street to the garage so that’s a lot of driveway to shovel in the winter. I have a snout house that is probably 25 to 30' from street to driveway so shoveling…
That is a big basement. You could do a lot with it when you finish it like add another bedroom and bathroom, add a gym or another living space.
Basic cable is terrible now. If it’s not sports, there’s a good chance it’s a network procedural shown in 10 hour blocks or 5-20 year old movies you’ve seen dozens of times before with enough commercials to drive you insane. Good riddance cable tv.
Her brother is Pugsley from the 90's Addams Family movies.
With the writers and actors strikes going on now, there’s not a lot to talk about in pop culture so we get stories about fourth rate celebrity reality shows.
It’s obvious that we’re not dealing with criminal masterminds here.
I think it was definitely a “crime of opportunity” in that they didn’t really have a plan to steal them nor a plan to sell them after they stole them. I’m not sure if these were super rare cards that would have been hard to fence after they were stolen.
This law reminds me of the Coogan Act (informally named after former child actor and future Uncle Fester Jackie Coogan) which puts a certain percentage of a child actor’s earning into a trust which they can access when they turn 18.
That’s a lot of Mountain Dew: Code Red consumed!
Explaining waiting in line to see a movie to a person under 20 would blow their mind. People literally waited in line for a over a week to see The Phantom Menace opening night. There’s a lot to dislike about going to movies now, but being able to buy your tickets ahead of time and pick your seat is not one of them.
I think a lot of stuff for next summer has finished principle photography. If there isn’t an agreement soon for the writers and actors, it’s going to get bad since they’ll need reshoots in the next few months. They can still edit and do VFX, but a movie will most likely be bad without reshoots. Hell, most films are…
You’re right. It comes out tomorrow.
This was probably the last weekend that Elemental and Indiana Jones are going to be in the theaters. I figure they will be available to rent and buy digitally in the next two to three weeks.
Yeah, it’s going to be a while before another movie has a $50m opening weekend. Next weekend Blue Beetle opens, but I have a feeling that it will be lucky to bring in $30m based on presales. Since the studios moved so many release dates, it gets really thin after that.
$70k is a small price to pay to roll coal on some bicyclists!
Yeah, I would assume that you work for about three to four hours in the morning and the same in the afternoon. You would have like four hours in the middle of the day free, but that’s not enough time for another job.
Can we get a movie or tv show where they play brothers?