
It shouldn’t. Booze will blind you if it contains methanol and no commercially made liquor contains methanol, only homemade moonshine. It does have a very spicy cinnamon flavor though. 

Warehouse stores sell them in buckets of 20 for like $15.

Damn, I was hoping Jason would be reprising his Pam and Tommy role of Tommy Lee’s talking penis for this. 

Best bargain ranch dressing: Aldi Low Fat. 

Vaya con Dias Mercedes.

Red Bull Guest House Brought the 1970s Party Scene Back to Formula 1”

The B stands for Bartholomew. 

Vibrio can also cause the flesh eating disease.

For those wondering about a streaming option, it will be live on Peacock. 

Fuck that entire family. He was doing this shit to his sister, his parents knew about it and did nothing about it except send him to some church camp.

And it can take one bad day to turn a “good guy with a gun” into a “bad guy with a gun.”

It will be a while before we see any more family dramas on network television. NBC had two short lived ones that only lasted a season each after This is Us, The Village and Council of Dads. ABC still has A Million Little Things, but that has been a bubble show almost its entire existence. Fox has just a few dramas and

Not too many tears shed this week compared to the Miguel and last week’s episodes. A sweet ending to the show.

Thanks Mercedes.

How much does an electric school bus cost? It’s a shame to scrap a perfectly working bus. At least salvage it for parts.

If there is a god, he certainly didn’t create man in his image.

Biggie, Biggie, Biggie can’t you see everybody loves NFT’s?

But Road House is on every other!

It’s weird that they’re making a show about this game series since it’s been a decade since the last game in the series was released and its heyday was in the OG PlayStation days of the late 90’s.

Projected on the side of an empty Kmart.