
Thank you for being a friend Betty.

It’s gotten so bad with dealers marking up Broncos after order that someone made a post with all the shitty dealers trying to screw customers:

David Eigenberg was raised in Naperville so he has ties to the area. He also has been on Chicago Fire since the fall of 2012 so this could have been when he first started on the show.

What does the Fox say?

The same thing happened in the mid 2000’s with OnStar. In 20007, OnStar switched to digital cell phone service rendering the service from all the cars with the analog modules useless which was MY 2002 cara and older. You could have had a situation where the car that you haven’t even paid off yet had one of its biggest

Umm, “natural male enhancement.”

Why would anyone want a second? Owning one is bad enough!

No way that they’re the same character. The Kingpin from the Netflix show would never wear a Hawaiian shirt.

The original Airflow hasn’t been made in almost 85 years. I’m pretty sure very few people remember it being a failure. It’s not like Ford bringing back the Edsel, which was synonymous with failure.

Decades ago, I saw a contestant lose because she added the word “the” before the phrase “New York Jets.” That doesn’t even rank in the top 100 of most painful losses related to the Jets.

In honor of my next two cars, Maverick and Bronco both make good pet names.

No matter what they tell you, naked motor oil wrestling is not part of the Jalopnik onboarding process!

I bet Kyle’s next sponsor will be some crypto thing or some bullshit like that.

The only thing that can be an issue is finding body parts. Ask me how I know.

She’s on a terrible Netflix show now! But before that, she practically begged to be on the USA show Suits.

But to keep costs low, they have to recast the roles with new actors. They’re on their eighth B.A. Baracus.

I think he has been. The first episode was about Barry turning 16 and getting his license and he’s still a junior in college.

Isn’t the Lightning around $20k cheaper than the Rivian too?

Nice price if you want to use this a cheap way to get some UV rays on a nice summer day.