
If Tesla was going to do a yoke steering wheel, they should have at least given us a KITT one!

THAT’S GEORGE WASHINGHTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About 15 years ago, the official rental car of the Islands changed to the Sebring convertible! I think it’s now Jeep Wranglers. 

I’m seriously considering the Maverick. I’m still waiting to see the gas mileage on the Ecoboost before I decide on an engine. It would be nice to get AWD with the hybrid.

Since it’s virtual, it looks like I won’t have to toss any coins to attend!

The Planet Hollywood casino in Vegas is still around! Vegas seems like the perfect place for the last dying breath of Planet Hollywood. 

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m happy that the dystopian YA movie trend died out. Between this, Divergent and Maze Runner, seeing young adults fight for their lives got too depressing. The last Divergent movie did so poorly that they cancelled the second part of the last movie so the series isn’t even complete.

I have noticed that quite a few Subways by me have closed. Between all the corporate bullshit and competition between several other sandwich shops, I can see why. 

“Still more useful than a Maverick!”

Damn it Barry Rainbow Raider 2.0!

I’m still waiting for Jason to upgrade the battery pack and engine. Maybe he can go all the way to 5 hp!

If we stop writing or talking about it, can The Bachelor franchise just go away?

He was so menacing in Tales From The Hood.

Brin back Joey Pants you cowards!

The last season just dropped on Netflix. There was supposed to be another season, but some shit went down and it became a mess. 

This law was almost as bad as the chicken tax!

Did you try comparing it to regular Polar seltzer with a splash of vodka? I’m curious to how it would compare. 

Are you saying that the Maverick...takes your breath away?

C’mon, it’s Czechoslovakia. We zip in, we pick ‘em up, we zip right out again. We’re not going to Moscow. It’s Czechoslovakia. It’s like going into Wisconsin.