
I guess that mailing them back is an okay idea though I hope those envelopes are really sturdy. Nature Valley has a new program where you can recycle their granola bar wrappers. You have to take them back to the store to recycle them so not a lot of consumers are going to go through the trouble of recycling them when

Pepsi has tried a few different orange sodas in America. Along with the aforementioned Mirinda, they also released Slice. They’re lemon lime sodas are even more numerous with Teem, Slice, Storm and now Sierra Mist. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone ever order a Sierra Mist.

I just filed a $5 billion lawsuit against Ray Romano, the producers of this show, Warner Bros and AT&T for false advertisement.

By any chance, do you live in California? In other states, their agreement is that you have to call or use online chat to cancel.

That or you live in an area with crappy cellular data service. If I was a long haul trucker, I would get it since there’s probably a ton of places out west that have spotty service. 

Not the worst story I’ve heard about SiriusXM. I was looking to renew it for my wife’s car, but they make you call to cancel it so they can give you the hard upsell to renew. Fuck that. 

Grosse Pointe City, Park, Woods, Farm or Shores?

When’s the last time you saw a full service pump at a normally self serve station? The last time I saw one was probably the early 90’s.

Right now its existence is pretty much something for cable companies to throw in for free when customers call to cancel their service. Most people that have it probably forgot that they have it. If they remembered they had it, they would probably cancel it.

Jumping the fence is the new jumping the shark. 

That’s a Malý Autobus.

And now MTV2 airs 5-10 year old movies and repeats of Cheaters and Martha and Snoop’s Potluck Dinner. If it went off the air tomorrow, would anyone miss it?

Mushrooms are good.

How many will watch this year’s Oscars? A lot, but not as many as previous years since there were no “big” movies this year due to the pandemic. Expect 30-40% fewer viewers from last year. 

You can easily make your money back by smuggling drugs in that hidden bedroom!

Yeah, they’re terrible. 

You’re finally free Myles of this show Myles! This last season was quite bad. It probably should have ended three seasons ago.

Viola Davis won the SAG award so she’s probably the front runner. It’s her or Frances McDormand. Viola Davis won for supporting actress and lot lead so she’ll probably win.

I was born at the height of the Malaise era so any American car from that year would be the worst. Here’s a 1976 Porsche 911 that’s pretty rad: