Blinde Killen

Chanterelles are pretty yellow and are considered one of the best tasting mushrooms. Death cap is very plain looking and constantly mistaken for something edible but even small amount can kill and those who survive usually need liver transplant. So don’t use colour as an edibility guide it can end very badly.

I raise you

I kind of admire how he has, in so many of his movies, unapologetically played an All-American kind of guy with an Austrian accent.

I don’t know, but that guy in the middle on the bottom row really nailed the look. . .

I think Spaced and his Edgar Wright collaborations would translate to Star Trek, actually. But, more to the point, Abrams was never a Trek fan, which shows, and Orkurtz are visionless hacks who’s primary skill as writers was a willingness to incorporate studio notes. Pegg is an actual fan of the series, is much less

Umm... Joss has historically done this. MCU fans may have not remembered that or instantly recall things he’s said about the Terminator franchise, but honestly this is old hat for Whedon. He’s attacked multiple people he’s worked with over the years and usually the biggest cause? Screwing with what he’s written.

I don’t really read it as sour grapes so much as it isn’t the creative call he would have made, however it was no longer his to make. The guy is allowed to have a difference of opinion.

But at least there’s a giant spider in the third act... :P

Maybe the worst adaptation of all time. It’s definitely in the top 5 at least.

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I demand youtube to remove zone block or whatever its called.

“This video contains content from FOX, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.”

Okay, I’ve tried being polite, now I’ll switch it up: I’m a designer by trade. The is no such thing as good or bad aesthetic, only personal taste. You’re kind of being an asshat now.

This looks ridiculous in such a good way! Looks like their are some notable actors in the cast too. Also what is up with that naked red head being so damn skinny but having a perfect ass?

Just because you don’t agree with someone’s opinion in no way makes that opinion bad. It’s a question of aesthetics, which in this case you don’t care for.

Reading through this full comment thread, you seem to have a very aggressive attitude with the other commenters. You do realize that no one is fighting you here, yes? Your opinion has been noted and the replies are merely pointing out why that choice was made. There’s no cause to get huffy with people.

I want Wonder Woman to come and defeat them both and tell them to quit being idiots and go fight Luthor before he gets away with his 40 cakes.

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I think there's something missing from this list:

Onion is Theon Greyjoy. It is known.

Life on the web would suck royally without human curated aggregates.